Indexer’s Note: As I reread “With All the Precision Possible: Roubo on Furniture Making” and update the index I can hear my father’s voice say the same things that Roubo wrote. “Draw a plan, measure correctly, cut precisely, hand me that hammer.” OK, maybe not that last one. As he points out how the work should be done Roubo interjects his frustration with joiners, chairmakers and caners when they do not work with precision, or try to improve the quality of their work. He is especially exasperated by carvers. I decided to have a little fun at Roubo’s expense.
In the atelier there was a great commotion in the carver’s corner.
But Monsieur Roubo was not done.
The “Masterpiece” was revealed to the atelier and the chair denizens reacted.
Well past midnight Monsieur Roubo faced a terrible reality and was inconsolable.
–Suzanne Ellison