Hinges are works mechanical that permit of a door to be opened, yet to remain attached at one side. Of hinges, there are three sorts; those being strap, pintle, and butt. Of these, the butt is formed of cast iron, and is the largest of the three. I like big butts and I can not lie. You other brothers can’t deny, That when a door swings out on an itty bitty hinge, And a round thing in your face, It gets sprung, You wanna pull it out rough. ‘Cause you notice that butt was stuffed Deep in the wood and it’s wearing. I’m hooked and I can’t stop staring. Oh baby, I wanna re-hang you. And take my hammer and bang you….
If you attended one of my sessions at Woodworking in America in Pasadena, Calif., on Saturday, this is the blog entry you are looking for. The rest of you can go about your business – or download these and be slightly confused.
Campaign Furniture: Below are two links. One is an all-too short bibliography on this style of furniture. The other is a .pdf version of my presentation.
The Furniture Style With No Name: Below is my “recipe” for a six-board chest. There is a .pdf document that explains the tools required and the cutting and assembly procedure I use. The second document is a SketchUp file that shows the construction steps in a visual way. After you open the model in SketchUp, click on the different tabs at the top of its window to move through the different scenes.
If you weren’t at my “60-minute Sawbench Class” yesterday at Woodworking in America, this download might not make total sense to you.
But as promised, below are the illustrated directions for cutting the compound angles on the legs of the sawbench. Plus there’s a tool list and a materials list for the sawbench I built during the class.
Two things I forgot to mention during the presentation:
1. Hammer the points of your nails to blunt them before driving them in. This will reduce the fir’s tendency to split.
2. If you have some woodworking machines handy, Take a few extra minutes to dress the dimensional stock to remove the ugly rounded corners. The sawbench will look much nicer.
Blacksmith Phil Koontz has decided to get out of the business of making holdfasts.
In my book, it’s a sad decision. Phil was one of the very few people who made holdfasts for anyone anywhere on the globe and was 100-percent reliable all of the time.
While unnamed ironmongers were making “holdfasts” that didn’t cinch down or broke under mild hammer pressure, Phil made holdfasts that bit your work like a ticked-off cobra. They were the first holdfasts I owned that really worked.
Why is he leaving the business? I’ll let Phil speak:
“I have decided to stop selling (holdfasts). I wanted you to be one of the first to know. Last winter I had a big rush on orders around Christmas, partly as a result of your very kind video evaluation of Megan Fitzpatrick’s holdfasts. Christmas seems to be the busy season for holdfasts anyway, and I have just decided that I’m not up to a lot of blacksmithing this winter.
“It’s a bit awkward that I really stocked up on steel last summer during barge season, so I don’t know quite what I’m going to do with 500 feet of 11/16″ bar stock, but I’m sure something will turn up.”
If you are one of the hundreds of people who dealt with Phil during the last decade, I know you will wish him well in his future Alaskan endeavors. And if you are one of those people who put off buying a pair of his fantastic holdfasts, sorry about your luck.
Here in Cincinnati, we are the source of the problem. But we might also be part of the solution.
With Woodworking in America looming next month here in greater Cincinnati, I’ve been thinking a lot about this city’s long and mixed history in the woodworking trade. It’s a history that is ignored or unknown to many of its citizens, and yet what happened here in Queen City had repercussions (good and bad) all over the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries.
If you are coming to Cincinnati in November for Woodworking in America, you’ll likely drive over or see many of these important places and not even know it. There are no plaques or walking tours for these places. And yet, I’ll sometimes stand on 4th Street downtown a bit impressed when I think about what happened there.
During the next few weeks leading up to Woodworking in America, I’ll be providing snapshots of a few of these important places. But first, a list of the sins and virtues (as I see them) of the greater Cincinnati area.
Sins The China of the 19th Century: Cincinnati was one of the first Midwest cities to fully embrace steam-powered machinery in about 1844. As a result, according to Donald C. Peirce’s history, the city was a huge exporter of furniture all over the country. So cheap were the goods from Cincinnati that local cabinetmakers all up and down the Mississippi could not compete.
Among the leading factories was Mitchell and Rammelsberg. Never heard of them? Not surprising. Most people haven’t. But the company employed 600 people in 1870 and was so large it had a dormitory for 250 workers and a 15,000-square-foot showroom for wares (the factory was even bigger). The furniture would not please many woodworkers. Some might even call it the stuff that killed an appreciation of quality.
We Helped Kill the Cut Nail: In 1875, Father Goebel, a Catholic priest, settled in Covington, Ky., and set up the American Wire and Screw Nail Co., according to “Audel’s Carpenter’s Guide.” Though wire nails had been made in this country since about 1851, this factory drove the wire nails into the coffin of the cut nail.
Virtues The Greene Brothers: Charles and Henry Greene were born here. Technically, it was in a town (Brighton, on the west side) that no longer exists but was absorbed by Cincinnati. I’ve looked for the house using land records and can’t find it. The maps are a bit messed up. And if it weren’t for the Gambles (of Procter and Gamble fame here) we wouldn’t have the Gamble House in Pasadena, Calif.
Machinery and Tools: Cincinnati was a major center for manufacturing woodworking machinery and supplies. J.A. Fay and Egan were here (they were huge). Parks Machinery. Cincinnati Tool Co. – a worldwide supplier of high-quality clamps. Woodrow & McParlin (makers of the Panther saw). And on and on. I’ve seen a list of about 150 machinery manufacturers that have operated here.
Shop of the Crafters: During the Arts & Crafts movement, Cincinnati contributed Rookwood Pottery and the Shop of the Crafters. Everyone has heard of Rookwood, but Shop of the Crafters produced a line of highly original designs that had European flair and weren’t just knock-offs of Stickley stuff. I have an original Shop of the Crafters Morris chair in my living room.
Art Carving: During the late 19th century the city became a center for teaching carving – particularly to women – who would come here for classes from famous English carvers. There’s an entire book about this phenomenon, but if you want most of the story, this Chipstone article will fill you in.
There’s more, of course. You have to learn about Henry Boyd, a former slave who patented his cool “swelled rail” bedsteads. And Gorilla Glue is here. As is Millers Falls….