A quick status update on “To Make as Perfectly as Possible: Roubo on Marquetry.”
• The deluxe edition is supposed to go on press at the end of August. We were hoping for an earlier press date, but we didn’t get our wish. Then the book has to go to the bindery. And get its slipcase. We are now shooting for an early September delivery.
• Thanks to an error in our store, we mistakenly thought we were sold out of the deluxe edition. We have not quite sold out. We have about 50 copies allocated to the store. After those sell out, we are going to wait until we have all of the copies in hand. We will fulfill all the outstanding orders. Then we will count how many are left and sell those.
• If you have paid your $100 deposit but haven’t paid the balance, please contact John Hoffman at john@lostartpress.com to complete your order. We cannot ship your book until we have the full amount.
• Wesley Tanner is now laying out the trade edition of the book. We hope to have this in time for Woodworking in America.
• We are trying to plan a book-release party for Woodworking in America. If you bought a book, you will be invited.
— Christopher Schwarz