Frat boys rejoice! There is now a low-cost way to brand your young pledges this fall!
Wait, wrong blog.
Uhh. Well this will work here, too. Thanks to a tip from a reader, I have found the most clever way to brand your work. It’s a custom-made branding iron that clips onto a Bic Classic lighter. Flick your Bic for 2 minutes and then simply press the iron against your work. A small puff of smoke later, your work (or the backside of a naughty pledge) is branded for life. Here’s some video I shot this evening.
The inexpensive branding iron – prices start at $22 – is custom made with your logo. To make your own, you simply upload a logo to the Shapeways web site and pay for it. In a couple weeks, they send you an envelope with the doohicky inside. Clip it to your Bic (not included) and you are in the branding business.
I was impressed by the detail from such an inexpensive gadget. I have no idea how many uses I’ll be able to squeeze out if it, but the metal is quite stout. I have high hopes.
In fact, I think we might skip implanting the subcutaneous computer tracking chip in our next batch of kitty cats and just go with a simple low-tech brand.
Man, I hope my wife doesn’t read my blog.
— Christopher Schwarz
P.S. The music in the video can be found here at
After intense lobbying from customers, we have decided to offer 26 leather-bound copies of the third printing of “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest.”
These leather-bound copies cost $185 postage-paid to U.S. customers. The books will be bound in the same brown leather we used for the first printing. The leather will be hand-distressed, and the end sheets will be hand-colored paper. As always, the work will be performed by the life-long artisans at Ohio Book in Cincinnati.
Unlike the first two printings, the third printing includes a complete index and a new ending – I’ll post that new ending here later this week.
We are going to be selling these leather books a little differently than in the past. Instead of starting a waiting list and spending hours administering it for people who fall off or want to jump on, we have decided to do it Roman-style: First-come, first serve.
The first 26 people to place an order for the book in our store will receive the book when it is complete, which will take about six weeks. This simpler system will save us hours of exchanging e-mails (yes, we still love you; no we don’t want to see photos of your Komodo dragon) and phone calls.
You can now purchase Robert Wearing’s hand-tool masterwork, “The Essential Woodworker,” for your Kindle or other reader that is compatible with Kindle files. The Kindle book is $10 and can be purchased here in our store.
That means you can now buy this landmark book in hardcover for $23, ePub for iPad or iPhone for $10 or in Kindle format for $10.
This reprint is fully authorized by the author – beware of pirated editions – and royalties from the sale of both the electronic and hardcover Lost Art Press editions go to help support Wearing in his old age.
The Kindle and ePub editions of “The Essential Woodworker” are based on our revised 2010 edition of the book where we incorporated corrections and revisions from Wearing, reset all the text and recreated photos that were lost by the previous publishing company.
Bringing this book back into print was a three-year ordeal for us – you can thank my partner John Hoffman for slicing through most of the red tape. But the hard work was worth it. “The Essential Woodworker” is one of the most important hand-tool woodworking books published in the post-Charles Hayward era and it remains one of my favorite references.
We are dedicated to keeping this book in print for as long as possible – we have thousands of copies stockpiled in my basement – and at a reasonable price. And getting it into Kindle and ePub formats helps ensure the book will not be forgotten or lost.
To purchase and download the Kindle edition, visit our store. International customers can send $10 via PayPal to and he will send you a link to download the file.
This is uncomfortable for me to admit, but here goes. When I was a kid I was so enamored with Frank Lloyd Wright that I would wear a cape around the house as I built Prairie-style homes using wooden blocks, Legos and my sisters’ books.
The cape, which I still own, was from my first Halloween costume – Superman. I’ve since been Batman-tized.
I must admit that I’m not particularly a fan of Wright the person, Wright the builder (I’ve been to Fallingwater) or Wright the furniture designer. Then why the heck did I wear that cape for so many years?
I am a fan of how Wright turned architecture on its side to produce a style that was adapted to the Midwestern landscape. His low-slung Prairie houses look as if they grew, like corn, from the flats and rolling hills of the country’s midsection.
My introduction to Wright was not through books or school or even popular culture. It was through osmosis and E. Fay Jones, who was one of Wright’s apprentices and an enormous influence on the 20th-century architecture of Northwest Arkansas.
Like Wright, Jones designed structures that were in harmony with the landscape. And the city of Fort Smith where I grew up is chock full of homes that Jones designed or heavily influenced – he was the dean of the architecture school at the University of Arkansas.
His buildings use native materials and are so well adapted to the landscape that you almost don’t notice them at first. You might see only a brown roof that is hiding on the side of a hill. You have to get right up on the house to understand it. Oftentimes, a Jones house is a private treat for the residents alone. Though the house might look like it was built into a hill, it offers astonishing vistas for its owners.
For me, it was Jones that sparked my interest in buildings and design. Through him, I learned about Wright. Then, after learning all I could about Wright, I put away the cape and retreated back to Jones.
I can remember the moment this happened. My sister Ashley was married in Thorncrown Chapel in Eureka Springs, Ark., which is Jones’s most famous structure. It’s a huge building of glass and wood inside a forest. When you are inside the chapel you feel as if you are simultaneously both inside and outside. It’s a weird and beautiful feeling that I have never had anyplace else.
As my first-born daughter spread rose petals down the aisle before the processional, I can remember looking up into the beams of the chapel, which were shrouded in darkness like the limbs of the tallest trees of the forest. It was both disorienting and exhilarating. And no, I had not been drinking.
This weekend I’m up in Oak Park, Ill., and as the sun started to set on Friday I happened to be near Wright’s home and studio on Chicago Avenue. For the most part, I think that this structure is one of the least impressive Wright buildings in Chicago. It looks like two buildings lumped together – a Shingle-style house Wright built while working for Louis Sullivan plus a rambling structure behind it that looks like a largish Prairie-style addition.
However, from the front, the Shingle-style section of the house was catching the failing light just right on Friday. And I could almost picture the guy at the front door with a cape and cane in hand.