The Box-maker (1) smootheth hewen Boards (2) with a Plain (3) upon a work-board, (4) he maketh them very smooth with a little plain, (5) he boareth thorow with an augre, (6) carveth them with a Knife, (7) fasteneth them together with Glew, and Cramp-Irons (8) and maketh tables (9) Boards (10) Chests (11), &c.
The Turner (12) sitting over the treddle turneth with a throw (15) upon a Turners Bench Bowls (16) Tops (17) Puppets (18) and such like Turners work.
This is a fully functional beech brace with brass plating and a mahogany pad. The push-button chuck is fully functional (though you will probably have to file modern augers a bit to fit). The pad is fairly tight considering its age. The only mark on the brace is on the beech frame where it has an owner’s stamp: W. Tank.
The only apology for this tool is that one of the screws on the plating is missing and the plating has been pushed up a bit at that end. This is cosmetic.
I purchased this brace several years ago at an Amish auction to use it for some photography in “The Art of Joinery.”
Price: SOLD: $100 plus $8 domestic shipping.
About Tool Sales on My Blog
Please read this if you are interested in buying a tool. Why am I selling these tools? Read this entry before you freak out. There is no “master list” of tools that I can send you. I am working through several piles of tools and will list them when I can.
Want to see only the tools that haven’t sold? Easy. I’ve created a category for that on this blog. Click here and bookmark that page. When you visit that link, you’ll see only the tools that haven’t been sold.
While you can ask me all the questions you like about the tool, the first person to send me an e-mail that says: “I’ll take it,” gets the tool. Simple. To buy a tool, please send me an e-mail at
Payment: I can accept PayPal or a personal check. As soon as the funds arrive, I’ll ship the tool using USPS. If you want insurance, let me know. I’m afraid I can only ship tools in the United States. Shipping internationally is very time-consuming and paperwork-heavy. My apologies in advance on this point.
If you don’t like the tool when you get it, I’ll be happy to refund your money if you return the tool. But postage is on you.
A perfectly set up and sharpened set of Lie-Nielsen 3/8″ skew chisels. These even come with the black rubber blade covers (now discontinued).
The steel is A2. The handles are hornbeam. Retail is $130 for the pair.
Price: SOLD.
About Tool Sales on My Blog
Please read this if you are interested in buying a tool. Why am I selling these tools? Read this entry before you freak out. There is no “master list” of tools that I can send you. I am working through several piles of tools and will list them when I can.
Want to see only the tools that haven’t sold? Easy. I’ve created a category for that on this blog. Click here and bookmark that page. When you visit that link, you’ll see only the tools that haven’t been sold.
While you can ask me all the questions you like about the tool, the first person to send me an e-mail that says: “I’ll take it,” gets the tool. Simple. To buy a tool, please send me an e-mail at
Payment: I can accept PayPal or a personal check. As soon as the funds arrive, I’ll ship the tool using USPS. If you want insurance, let me know. I’m afraid I can only ship tools in the United States. Shipping internationally is very time-consuming and paperwork-heavy. My apologies in advance on this point.
If you don’t like the tool when you get it, I’ll be happy to refund your money if you return the tool. But postage is on you.
This is a great little square that I don’t need because I have my 6″ Starrett. I purchased the square to test it for the magazine when it first came out years ago. And it has sat at the bottom of my tool chest until I unearthed it this morning.
It is a well-made tool of U.S. manufacture. The graduations are in 4R and are all Imperial. Like new.
Price: SOLD $25 plus $6 domestic shipping.
About Tool Sales on My Blog
Please read this if you are interested in buying a tool. Why am I selling these tools? Read this entry before you freak out. There is no “master list” of tools that I can send you. I am working through several piles of tools and will list them when I can.
Want to see only the tools that haven’t sold? Easy. I’ve created a category for that on this blog. Click here and bookmark that page. When you visit that link, you’ll see only the tools that haven’t been sold.
While you can ask me all the questions you like about the tool, the first person to send me an e-mail that says: “I’ll take it,” gets the tool. Simple. To buy a tool, please send me an e-mail at
Payment: I can accept PayPal or a personal check. As soon as the funds arrive, I’ll ship the tool using USPS. If you want insurance, let me know. I’m afraid I can only ship tools in the United States. Shipping internationally is very time-consuming and paperwork-heavy. My apologies in advance on this point.
If you don’t like the tool when you get it, I’ll be happy to refund your money if you return the tool. But postage is on you.
This is the Stanley 603 Bed Rock smoothing plane that is on the cover of my book, “Handplane Essentials.” But that’s not why you should consider buying it. It’s a fine tool because I’ve tuned the snot out of it. Flattened the sole. Added a Hock O1 iron and chipbreaker. Peened the lateral adjust to tighten things up.
The only apology that I have is a small hang hole in the toe. The tool has a rosewood tote and front knob. Everything works as it should. The iron is sharp and ready to work.
Price: SOLD.
About Tool Sales on My Blog
Please read this if you are interested in buying a tool. Why am I selling these tools? Read this entry before you freak out. There is no “master list” of tools that I can send you. I am working through several piles of tools and will list them when I can.
Want to see only the tools that haven’t sold? Easy. I’ve created a category for that on this blog. Click here and bookmark that page. When you visit that link, you’ll see only the tools that haven’t been sold.
While you can ask me all the questions you like about the tool, the first person to send me an e-mail that says: “I’ll take it,” gets the tool. Simple. To buy a tool, please send me an e-mail at
Payment: I can accept PayPal or a personal check. As soon as the funds arrive, I’ll ship the tool using USPS. If you want insurance, let me know. I’m afraid I can only ship tools in the United States. Shipping internationally is very time-consuming and paperwork-heavy. My apologies in advance on this point.
If you don’t like the tool when you get it, I’ll be happy to refund your money if you return the tool. But postage is on you.