I’m afraid you’re stuck with me again for the LAP Open Wire this week (though Chris might pop in from time to time to make sure I’m not telling tall tales).
So let’s hear your woodworking, old house renovation and cat-related questions.
Here’s how it works: Type your question in the comment field. I will post my answer. It is that simple.
Before you ask a question, please read this.
- If you could limit the number of questions you ask to one or two, that would be appreciated.
- If your question is your first comment here, it will automatically be flagged for moderation. Your question will appear after I approve it.
It’s been a busy week – so I might sleep in and therefore not get to the first questions (or approve new commenters) until a bit closer to 9 a.m. Or possibly 10 a.m.Darn it. I woke up at 7 (which actually counts as “sleeping in” these days).
Comments are now closed. Thank for all the questions!
– Fitz
p.s. For the following two weeks, we have special Open Wire guests!