Though we are screwing down endless underlayment at the Lost Art Press building, my mind is hard at work designing the space for what we do: building, research and writing. At the heart of this is our library, which now spills into four rooms of my current house (plus the boxes in the basement).
It’s my hope to make this library available for other nutjobs who are willing to dig into old paper. But we have to have some way to organize everything.
When I think of this, my eyes turn to the 27’-long wall in our new shop with its 11’ ceilings. Could we build one massive unit for our reference library? My first urge is to build a poncy shelving unit with brass bars, library steps and the smell of pipe smoke (calm yourself, Megan).
That’s not me.
So I’ve been gazing at one of Enzo Mari’s designs for library shelves that are built from common materials but are superbly braced. They are clever. These can be strung across the entire wall without it looking like I belong to a country club and have friends with names from the Benedict Cumberbatch name generator.
Check out the images. If you save them to your drive you’ll see they are in high-resolution. Don’t worry. Mari offers them free to anyone who isn’t selling them.
— Christopher Schwarz