We’re done tinkering with the LostArtPress.com website, and we still don’t have annoying pop-up and vibrating windows that urge you to join a newsletter or to save 10 percent on your first order or whatever.
Merchants use those irritating windows because they work. But we decided at the outset of this company that we’d rather use our “inside voice” when talking to customers. No yelling, hyperbole or multiple exclamation marks. Because that’s how we prefer to be treated.
Some of the website changes I’ve mentioned before: Easier navigation windows and “social proof,” a phrase I only use ironically, with quote marks around it.
We just added two more functions: a simple wishlist, and a still-not-using-our-outside-voice reminder of our free shipping offer for orders $100 and over.
First the wishlist. Log into your account with us. Navigate to the product you want to add to your list. Click “Add to Wishlist,” which is below “Add to Cart.” Done. (See above.)
To see your wishlist, click on the heart at the top-right of your screen. You’ll see all the items you’ve added. You can then send that list to anyone via email.
The other function tells you how much more you need to spend to receive free shipping. Many times customers can add a bottle of glue or a box of pencils and get free shipping (basically making the glue or pencils free….).
OK, that’s it. I know these posts are boring, but we’re a little boring at times.
I’m a long-time fan of the Mississippi-made Delta 14” cast-iron band saw – and its better clones. But not everyone has the space for one of these saws. Or they don’t have the eggs to buy a used one that will surely need some restoration.
For the last couple months, I have been using/abusing the Rikon 10-305 band saw. Rikon stopped making it, but Highland Woodworking bought up all their extant stock and is selling them at $299. This is a bargain price for a saw that can do everything necessary for making stick chairs.
If you have been wanting a band saw, but are short on space or money, quickly go get one before they run out. Then come back here and read about why you are such a genius (and a good dancer).
First, for all the first-timers here, please know that I bought this saw at full retail. I paid shipping and tax. Highland didn’t ask me to do a review. They might not even know I bought one of the saws. The saw isn’t perfect (more on that later), but $299 (plus $73 shipping) is chump change for a machine like this.
Decent bearing guides.
Most important: The saw has the guts to do serious work. It handles 8/4 oak without a problem. Heck, you can get almost 5” under the guides, not that I would ever need that with chairmaking.
The guides are standard bearings – two on the sides and one thrust bearing. Standard stuff and easy to adjust. There are guides above and below the table (you have to ask when a saw is this cheap). The trunnions are aluminum, but that’s not a demerit in my book. I like that the saw is so lightweight. I can pick it up myself and move it wherever. It’s small enough to fit in a closet.
The dust port actually fricking connects to a regular shop vacuum, which is some miracle. The dust collection is much better than on my 14” Delta, but it’s not perfect (observe the dust on its components).
No-frills fence. But it works.
The downsides: The fence is skimpy (they make an upgraded one). But it locks down fine at the front and rear of the table and doesn’t move. The throat plate is way too gappy – a common problem with all band saws. I’ll make a new zero-clearance one, but for crying out loud I shouldn’t have to.
Vibration isn’t bad. But clamp the saw to the bench when you use it. It doesn’t jump around, but every little bit counts. The saw is remarkably quiet. I expect little machines to be like little dogs – very barky.
The wheels are skimpy, but they were balanced at the factory and run true.
Svelte wheels. But what did you expect?
I wish I had a saw like this when my workshop was on the back porch. It would have saved me hours of farting around with a jigsaw and circ saw to process lumber.
So, as I said, act now or regret it later.
— Christopher Schwarz
P.S. Rikon has replaced the 10-305 with an upgraded model, the 10-3061. I haven’t tried or seen one. And at $599, I’m unlikely to.
Decent trunnions for a bargain saw. The saw’s table is iron.
We just added our latest batch of 250 Anarchist Square Kits to the store. We have been boxing these suckers up for days now, and we will be boxing them up tomorrow and Monday to meet the USPS deadline for getting stuff in the mail so it arrives before Dec. 25th.
The kits are great fun to assemble – and you end up with a useful shop tool.
The kits are $45, and the square is made of 1/2”-thick Baltic birch. When assembled, the long legs of the square are 21” long – perfect for most casework layout chores.
We’ve made a video with tips on how to assemble the square, which is below.
This is the last batch of squares we will get before January. We hope to restock early next year. So if you want one now, this is the time to order.
Monday is the last day that items ordered from Lost Art Press will be certain to arrive before Christmas. After Monday, the chance that the package will make it in time will decrease day by day.
If you are truly a last-minute shopper, you can always get them a digital LAP Gift Card. Or stop by our storefront at 837 Willard St., Covington, Ky. If we’re there, we’ll be happy to sell you something.
The crush of orders this year has been enormous (yay and also aieee!). Megan, John and anyone else we can pull off the streets are pulling shifts packing boxes like overgrown elves.
— Christopher Schwarz
Even Willard Street is a pick-and-pack operation this week.
We just listed 140 more Anarchist Square Kits in our store this evening. This is a fun afternoon project for a budding or experienced woodworker. The joinery and decorative details are all cut – you just have to tidy it up and assemble it.
We published a 14-minute video on how we assemble the squares (see below). Plus we show how to square them up and add a simple lip that makes them even more useful.
If you are shopping for gifts for others, please be aware that Dec. 11 is the last day we can guarantee that your order will make it to its destination before Christmas. Every day after that becomes a little dicier.