We’ve just put up a big batch of lump hammers in the store. And we now have Arno burnishers at a competitive price.
We have another batch of hammers coming (I hope next week) and burnishers are in the pipeline as well.
We’ve just put up a big batch of lump hammers in the store. And we now have Arno burnishers at a competitive price.
We have another batch of hammers coming (I hope next week) and burnishers are in the pipeline as well.
When we published “The Book of Plates” in 2014, we were under intense pressure from readers who wanted to see all the plates in A.-J. Roubo’s “l’Art du menuisier.” Lots of readers suggested we publish the plates by themselves. We resisted that idea at first, but we came around to it in the summer of 2014 over a fried chicken lunch.
As it turns out, “The Book of Plates” wasn’t a great idea – financially at least.
To make the book affordable, we had to print thousands of copies more than usual. We viewed this book a public service to the woodworking community, and we didn’t want the book to cost $500. But now, five years later, we are carrying a huge inventory of this enormous book. And we don’t sell many.
After much discussion and thought, John and I have decided to sell these books at a huge discount to get them out of the warehouse (and my cellar) and into the hands of woodworkers. We are not reprinting “Book of Plates.” When it’s gone, it’s gone.
The sale will start on May 14. The book is normally $120. Starting May 14 it will be $49 until we run out of books.
We’ve agonized over this problem for a couple years now and have looked for a way to correct our mistake. This sale – our first and I hope only sale in 12 years – is the best answer.
I know that most of you will support us through this. And I’m sure some of you have questions or complaints. You can get those answered via help@lostartpress.com.
— Christopher Schwarz
We’re opening the Covington, Ky., storefront to the public this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. As always, we’ll be selling our full line of books, plus some blemished tools.
There is lots to see this weekend. Brendan Gaffney has just finished an amazing cabinet on a stand in the style of James Krenov. Brendan has produced a lot of nice work, but this is his best piece so far, in my opinion.
I’m at work on an Irish Gibson chair (photo above), plus I have a walnut American Welsh stick chair in the store that’s awaiting delivery instructions from the customer. If you’ve ever wanted to sit in one, this is a good opportunity. I also have a Welsh stick chair from Chris Williams here, which is guiding my stock prep for his upcoming classes this month.
Also: Brendan has a bunch of surplus tools he’ll be selling, plus some of his “Rulers of the Ancient World” – he found a forgotten cache of them recently.
Megan Fitzpatrick is finishing up a cherry batroom (sorry, bathroom) vanity that is enormous. She’ll be working on the doors and drawers this Saturday, I’m sure.
We’re always happy to have visitors and chat about woodworking. We’ll also show you how to sharpen, or talk workbenches or wood movement. We’re not here to sell you anything – just trying to give back to the community for a day.
Spring is in full bloom here, and it’s a great time to go to Saturday brunch at one of the local restaurants in our neighborhood. We love Otto’s, Main Street Tavern and Libby’s Southern Comfort for brunch. And, as always, Coppin’s at Hotel Covington.
Hope you can stop by!
— Christopher Schwarz
We will begin selling our biggest batch of lump hammers at noon (Eastern time) on Friday, May 10. We hope that we do not sell out of these hammers and that we can return to our lives as furniture makers who sometimes make nice tools (instead of the other way around).
You’ll also be able to pick up one of the Arno burnishers we’re now carrying. We love these, and we’re selling them at an excellent price ($20 less than some places).
— Christopher Schwarz
As promised, everyone at the storefront has thrown themselves into lump hammer production. We’ve just delivered the biggest batch of lump hammers to our warehouse. They will be entered into inventory and will go on sale later this week.
We’ve had a few customers complain that we don’t give enough advance notice of when tools will go on sale. To help reduce the emotional emails that John and Meghan answer, we’re going to put these hammers up for sale on Friday. I don’t know what time yet, however. Watch this blog for the time.
If you have been waiting to buy a hammer, we hope that Friday is your day.
Also, this week we’re going to start selling Arno burnishers. These are our favorite burnishers (we’ll explain why in a bit). And we will sell them for less than EDIT: for the same price Amazon does. So stay tuned.
Finally, we still have stock on Crucible Card Scrapers. That’s because everyone in our supply chain bent over backward to help us out. Thank you.
— Christopher Schwarz