What do you think of this clock! Nice isn’t it. Yes and no. Yes that is my house and no I didn’t build it. This is a Shaker clock built by Glen Huey for Popular Woodworking issue number 163, 08/01/2007. As a woodworker, I have a strong aversion to purchasing furniture. When I see a piece of furniture that I like, I say to myself “I can make that and I will be able to justify a new tool”. The piece goes onto my list of things to build which is presently, six months behind! So when recently visiting Chris, I noticed this clock that was still sitting in the office. After some pleading, I was able to take it home.
Now, when sitting in my favorite chair looking at this piece I feel inspired. When I look at pieces I have built, I tend to focus on what went wrong. I say to myself, heck there is that gap that was caused by…or, if I do that next time I won’t make that mistake again…on and on. When I look at this clock I see what is right. I notice different things and think “how did he do that”? I grab that article and find the answer. I am also inspired by the dimensions and can use the width/height ratios or the size of moldings on the waist or hood to help me design a new piece. It is nice to see something in my own house that encourages me to get up out of the chair and as Glen says, build something great!