Editor’s note: Surprise! (we are also surprised). Our video “Build a Stick Chair” was completed early and is now available for purchase. The introductory price is $50 and includes a lot of extras (patterns, notes etc. – see below). After Aug. 31, the price will increase to $75.
Learn to build a stick chair using common woodworking tools and machines, plus kiln-dried wood from the lumberyard. This video, which clocks in at more than four hours long, has 18 chapters that cover all aspects of stick chair construction, from selecting the lumber to applying the finish.
Purchasers will also receive a digital file with full-size patterns for the chair shown in the video, which can be printed out at any reprographics firm or office supply store. Plus, notes on the sizes of the chair parts and sources for tools used in the video.
The videos can be streamed on any digital device connected to the internet. Alternately, you can download the video for offline viewing. The video is completely free of DRM (digital rights management) software and protections. That means it is portable among all your devices – laptop, tablet, phone etc.
Stick chairs are an ideal chair form for beginning chairmakers. Unlike with Windsor chairs, ladderbacks and other advanced forms, you don’t need green wood, a steambox, a shavehorse, a drawknife, a froe, a hatchet, a lathe or even a spokeshave. You can build stick chairs with kiln-dried lumber, a regular woodworking bench and mostly a drill, handplanes and a band saw. There are a few specialty tools (mostly inexpensive) that make the job easier, which are covered in the video.
We consider the “Build a Stick Chair” video as a companion to “The Stick Chair Book.” Not a substitute. The book took years of work to write and edit, and it goes into details that are impossible for a talking head to explain on a screen (plus it includes plans for five chairs). But the video shows bodily motion in a way that print never can. Some things about chairmaking are so simple if you can just see the process unfold before your eyes.
We’re not saying you should get both the book and the video. Instead, start with the one that appeals to you most. If you are a visual learner, the video is probably the correct choice. If you are first a reader, the book is what we would recommend.
Make a Stick Chair Video
Introduction | 0:05:44 |
1. Select Wood for Chairs | 0:09:19 |
2. Break Down the Stock | 0:19:04 |
3. Make Octagons | 0:08:50 |
4. Taper & Tenon the Legs | 0:13:08 |
5. Glue the Seat & Drill the Mortises | 0:35:50 |
6. Make the Stretchers | 0:15:27 |
7. Make the Arms | 0:21:18 |
8. Mortises in the Arm & Seat | 0:18:27 |
9. Sticks | 0:12:32 |
10. Saddle the Seat | 0:22:09 |
11. Make Wedges | 0:03:28 |
12. Prepare to Assemble the Undercarriage | 0:02:38 |
13. Assemble the Undercarriage | 0:13:03 |
14. Prepare the Arm & Sticks for Assembly | 0:04:30 |
15. Assemble the Uppercarriage | 0:10:42 |
16. Shape & Install the Comb | 0:18:03 |
17. Level & Cut the Legs | 0:09:22 |
18. Finishing Up | 0:10:25 |
What’s Included with Your Purchase
• Streaming and full download access to all 18 chapters with no DRM (digital rights access)
• Download of the full-size patterns for the seat, arms, shoe and comb of the chair that can be printed out at any copy shop.
• Measured drawings of the two jigs shown in the video: the band saw jig for making octagons and the drilling jig for boring mortises in the arms and seat.
• A parts list, links for the tools shown in the video plus the recipe for the soft wax finished used on the chair.