Tim Talma reviewed “Make a Joint Stool from a Tree” by Jennie Alexander and Peter Follansbee in the latest issue of “Period Furniture,” the newsletter of the Society of American Period Furniture Makers (SAPFM).
Talma seized upon the fact that “Make a Joint Stool from a Tree” isn’t just about joint stools.
“Although the joint stool outlined in the book is a simple project compared to other projects of the period, this book covers everything. This includes the history of 17th-century joined furniture, tools used in its construction, the wood and how to get it….”
While I love the title of this book, I sometimes think I should done a better job of emphasizing that this is a dead-nuts simple introduction to hand-tool woodworking with a minimum number of tools and the wood in your backyard. And it makes you want to build.
“The author’s enthusiasm for the subject definitely rubs off on the reader,” Talma writes, “and makes you want to go right out and build this stool, which I probably will do, once I find the right tree.”
I was also sent two new reviews of “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest” from different points of view. Ludovic Drochon reviews the book in French here. And then goes on to describe how he built his chest (a nice red one) here.
The other review is on the Highland Woodworking blog by Kelley O’Toole and it is from the perspective of a beginning woodworker. Also cool: Our Lost Art Press books are featured on the cover of the latest Highland Woodworking catalog – a big honor in my book.
— Christopher Schwarz