UPDATE: Comments are now closed. Thanks everyone! – Fitz
Hey everybody, I am in Pittsburgh today for my daughter’s graduation ceremony. So today’s Open Wire is hosted by Megan Fitzpatrick.
She is standing by today to answer your woodworking questions. Write your question in the comments section below, and she will do her best to answer.
Before you ask a question, a couple requests and comments.
- Megan asks if you could be gentle and not ask about her Dutch tool chest book (when is it coming? This year, she promises).
- If you could limit the number of questions you ask to one or two, her fingers will appreciate it.
- If your question is your first comment here, it will automatically be flagged for moderation. Your question will appear after we approve it.
So here we go…. Note that comments for this entry will close about 5 p.m. Eastern.
— Christopher Schwarz