The Crucible Bench Square is a handy, lightweight and accurate tool that’s useful for many woodworking operations. Based on an 18th-century square in A.J. Roubo’s book, “l’Art du menuisier,” our version uses modern technology to ensure it is accurate and stays that way.
The square is $28 and is available in our store.
The Bench Square is great for checking a board’s edge when planing joints for a panel glue-up. The tool’s square end is nice for marking crosscuts (with a pencil or knife). And the built-in angles can be used to check sawn miters for accuracy and even set the tilt of your table saw’s blade. Like Roubo, I keep one hanging right under my benchtop so it’s always handy.
The originals were made from one piece of walnut, so they were fragile and tended to go out of square because of wood movement. Our version has a blade that is made from 1/4” Baltic birch that is laser cut so it’s dead-nuts accurate, immune to wood movement and has no short grain. Then it is joined to a maple stock that is machined for a perfect fit.
After assembly, the Bench Square is trued up on machinery to ensure the 45° and 90° are perfect enough for woodworking. The tool is supplied without a finish, like most wooden bench tools.
And because we know it’s a handy tool, we’ve added a hang hole so you can keep it close under your workbench. The square measures 4-1/2” x 9” and weighs less than 3 oz.
Yes, you absolutely could make this square for yourself. And if that’s your inclination, please go right ahead. In fact, here are the dimensions on the blade of the square. The handle (also called the “stock”) is 3/4” x 1” x 5” maple with a 1/4” x 1/2” groove plowed on one edge.
But if you want yours to be perfect (for woodworking) right from the start, our square is a good value. As always, all our tools are made in the U.S.A.
— Christopher Schwarz
P.S. As always, we hope to supply these squares to our retailers outside of the USA that carry Crucible Tools. We are still ramping up production. After we get it up to full speed, we’ll be able to send these to retailers. Thanks for your patience.