If you haven’t bought a Tooley Park scriber, this is the week to do it. This little tool is handy for marking chair and table legs for final trimming, plus scribing cabinets and countertops to irregular walls. And it’s on sale for 20 percent off until Feb. 8.
The sale applies only to the scribers (not the accessories). The scriber I use is the original Fat Boy (FB) scriber in black. It’s available in five other colors.
It’s a well-made tool that works elegantly and is built in the UK by a furniture maker. Highly recommended.
— Christopher Schwarz
It’s an excellent scriber.
Thanks for suggesting the tool in the past. Just used it yesterday and it always works great.
Picked up a FB, thank you for the heads up.
I cannot find the link to the scriber for sale on the website
I grabbed the FB, the one Chris wrote about and the code worked… https://tooleypark.com/shop/tool-shop/fb-scriber/
The video of the BB Scriber disassembly makes it look a bit fiddley. I wonder if the smaller ones are simpler.
Thank you for the heads up, ordered and hoping it will make my leg leveling a little less laborious.
I was really inspired by this tool but could not afford it. I ended up making poor man’s version with a eyebolt, old bike intertube, 3inX3inX1.5in block of cherry, washer, and thumb nut in that order. Also a pencil, obviously.
I also needed two forstner bits and some vulcanizing cement to make it. Maybe more expensive/inconvenient if you don’t have that stuff on hand.
It’s super handy. I find myself using it for all kinds of things.