“Open Wire” is your bi-monthly opportunity to pose to us any and all woodworking questions, and we’ll do our best to answer (if you ask on other days, we’ll tell you to please wait for Open Wire). It’s simple – we post a blog entry on the scheduled Saturday mornings (usually at around 7:30 a.m. Eastern) and readers can post questions in the comments for us (and other readers) to answer. Comments close at 5 p.m. Eastern.
The Open Wire Dates for 2025 are:
February 15
April 19
June 14
August 9
October 25
December 13
– Fitz
p.s. We sometimes answer with links to posts we’ve already written (e.g. What wood to use for a workbench. What’s the best angle for dovetails. What jack plane to buy.), so if you can’t wait for one of the 2025 Open Wire dates, try a Google search at site:lostartpress.com – after 15+ years of entries on this blog, odds are decent you’ll find an answer.
Happy new year to all at Lost Art Press. Lost Art Press is a class act.