“The Anarchist’s Tool Chest,” the book that allowed me to quit my corporate job, is now available as a free pdf download, now and forever. To download it, you need only click on this link. You don’t have to register, give up your email or do any other smarmy marketing idiocy.
We will continue to sell the printed version for people who like nice books that are designed and assembled to last lifetimes. And we are planning a revised edition of the title for the 15th anniversary of its publication. But the information itself? Free to everyone.
This is the sixth book of mine that I have made free. The others are here:
“The Anarchist’s Design Book”
“The Anarchist’s Workbench”
“The Art of Joinery”
“Roman Workbenches”
“The Stick Chair Book”
It’s my intent to make all of my titles free in time. This book, with 45,000 copies in print in three languages, is our best-seller.
— Christopher Schwarz
It’s an excellent book. A fine philosophy. And a great project for every woodworker.
Still something special about a hardcover book
Especially a quality printing like those down by LAP. There are other books I would love to have in my collection but they are only available in paperback or poor quality hardcover.
Thank you again. John
I bought the pdf years ago, I will still be buying the physical book. I love that this is now available to everyone!
It sometimes seems like generosity is in short supply. I always appreciate your generous spirit and the commitment to the craft.
This is exactly why I follow you. Much appreciated Chris.
Many thanks for making this seminal work freely available to all.
Thank you Mr. Schwarz!
Hey, what a guy!
Many thanks. I very much appreciate your generosity. I am an old hobbyist with a weakness for tools. Grow old learning is my motto. I am certainly learning a huge amount from you about tools and how to use them. I’ve made enough mistakes to be ready to learn. I hope to pass some of this on the my son and grandson. I live in Hackney, London, UK
As a fellow author (but not of woodworking books, just boring books on character lol), I hope most folks realize and appreciate just how generous and selfless this is of you, Chris. As far as woodworking writers and authors go, you are my hero, and these acts of generosity only solidify that accolade in my mind. So thanks a million for the free downloads! We’re all indebted to you, and you’re providing a service that will impact the woodworking world into perpetuity.
Thank you for the gift. It is truly “A gift that keeps on giving.” Being a little OCD I added links from the TOC the chapters, I hope you don’t mind.
Thanks so much!
Your generosity is breaking all the rules.
Thank you for doing this. My eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, even just a few years ago. So Being able to put it up on a big screen will make it so much easier to read. Hopefully it will never get so bad I need to use my TV.
I’d also like to echo some others and say I’ll always love having my hardcover in hand when I’m sitting in my favorite reading chair with a glass of my favorite Scotch.
I know this isn’t a new or even surprising act of generosity for you. It still blows my mind. I can’t even think of something of comparable value I could – let alone would – give away.
I already own and love the current edition. When the revised one comes out, I will purchase that, and gift the original to someone in the hope it kindles something.
Pales in comparison but a small commitment to support the continued generosity AND evolution of the work – another rarity considering how many digital(!) publishers are content to leave errors, omissions, and outdated info with so much as an amendment.
What a kind and generous thing to do. I believe I have almost all of your books in hard copy but this makes it so easy to access when I am away from home. (waiting for my wife to finish shopping)
Thank you,
Dick Schultschik
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Hi Chris,
I just would like to applaud your generosity and consideration for your fellow craftspeople. I know of no other skilled artisan, having reached the pinnacle of success such as yourself, who strives to assist his fellow woodworkers to the extent that you have shown through the years. Your goal of reproducing your many literary works FOR FREE.spreraks to the quality and generosity of your spirit
Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do on behalf of our amazing craft.
Best wishes…. Mike DiMaggio
VP Guild of New Hampshire Woodworkers.
Thanks. After hearing good things about it I’d been wanting to give it a look.
Hmm giving away your best selling book for free… that’s really putting it on the old anarchist line. Somehow I’m sure you’ll wind up selling even more. The universe and I applaud your reckless integrity and subversive generosity. May it return to you a million fold like some some unstoppable karmic boomerang.
Thank you Chris. Much appreciated. You are a legend.
Thank you. I have the hard copy. Campaign Furniture was my first LAP book and the ATC the second. A million years ago on a training course I had to give a speech on any topic. I chose anarchy, which was a. not what was expected and b. not what they thought it was. I think we just got a great example of proper anarchy.
Thank You! I rarely travel but when I do I like to have some reading material. My hardbound copies of many of the LAP books sit on my bookshelf, now I can take them with me without fear of damaging the actual books! Excellent!
You, y’all are amazing. I happily buy these works of Art you guys produce and if that allows more people to get this info i will gladly keep paying. The books are worth 2x their cost and the quality is second to none. I am happy that you often have digital copies, these allow for easier use in education.
Thank you
A true gentleman and a scholar. Thank-you for your generosity! It’s a great book.
I just bought a copy from classic hand tools the day before. This is great, I can get some pre reading in before the real deal arrives. Love a digital copy but the real deal, especially LAP books I’ve had so far, are so much more.
I bought the digital version a while back, so this isn’t for me, but I still want to thank you for your generosity towards the craft.