All my books that you buy through Lost Art Press will be signed by me through 2024.
It takes a few hours of my time each week, but we are thrilled we can offer this small personal touch now that we have our fulfillment center up and running in Covington, Kentucky.
We also will offer the PG-13 “Sharpen This” sticker when you buy “Sharpen This.” (Our bestselling product of 2023.
This personal-touch stuff is what we have always wanted to offer our customers, but we were hobbled by our efficient but inflexible fulfillment center in Indianapolis.
More personal stuff on the way (no, you won’t be able to buy my underwear).
— Christopher Schwarz
For the right offer, I will steal then sell his socks. But not his underwear.
What about just the left sock?
Are you still signing bookplates or has that time passed?
Happy New Year
You can always get bookplates via an SASE.
Just sayin it’s been rumored the Schwarz don’t wear no underwear ( commando)
He did at one point. They were Italian, and I’ve held them in my hands. Hopefully he washed them first.
Ah yes, a new year started with a creepy but true comment.
Dark times.
Fifty bucks for the underwear. Final offer.
Signed, but not ‘striped’.
Will buy the signed books, once my credit card stops smoking from the PreChristmas frenzy.
If you’re going to bring back older stuff, I would love to buy another “Getting Inlaid since 1769” T-shirt. I fell off a ladder and the EMT cut off mine over my protests. It was my favorite.
Hi Ed,
Here are the files for that T-shirt. You can make one yourself that fits you and looks good:
Front: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9culbyfc0vfexf7gslb4s/Getting_inlaid_front.pdf?rlkey=dqam75kfnflizk2vru52bv2bd&dl=0
Rear: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bzbwi6dzouywwdp/BACK_Roubo_shirt_Getting_inlaid.pdf?dl=0
I think that I’m about to cry. This is the best New Years ever!!!
Actually, now I can admit that the EMT was right. I had a broken back as well as a severely trashed right leg. All fixed now and I learned that “but it’ll just take a minute” is no excuse to ignore the BIG BLACK AND YELLOW warning signs on a ladder that say “Don’t do this”. Off to Amazon to order some T-Shirt transfers. And to order “Workshop Wound Care” and “Sharpen This”.
I think Ed Clarke is my new hero.
I purchased the book awhile back. How can I get the sticker?
Send us an SASE.
Hi Chris, what is that lovely workbench or board with holdfast holes in the picture above?
That’s a bunch of ash chair parts. Lots of chair parts around here….
Never want ,let alone need, to see your “underwear “
I’m ordering a copy of Anarchist’s Tool Chest for my favorite local anarchist coffee roaster. His espresso is amazing.