The printing plant has finished its work on Peter Follansbee’s new book, “Joiner’s Work,” and it will be trucked to our Indiana warehouse on Monday. We’re not certain when it will start mailing out to people who placed pre-publication orders, but my best guess is it will be this week.
If you haven’t placed an order, this is the last opportunity to get a free pdf of the book with your order. Once the book starts shipping, the price of the book plus the pdf will be $61.25, up from $49.
Yesterday I received a sample from the printer and the book looks great. Oak is featured on 100 percent of its pages. You will not find an oakier tome.
— Christopher Schwarz
Yay, oak! If only we could also smell it on the pages.
Scratch ‘n’ sniff technology is, sadly, outside of our plant’s capabilities.
Would anyone think less of me if I read the book holding an oak offcut to my nose?
Yay, oak! If only we could also smell it on the pages.
Really looking forward to this one. Been reading the pdf in his accent for a couple weeks now.
I don’t have an accent.
I guess it must be the rest of us.
You have the same eastern Massachusetts accent I do. Except that yours is a 17th century eastern MA accent.
I am grateful that Follansbee chose to work in oak instead of mdf.
He likes green wood, not dry. Wet mdf is just horrible to work.
But boy can it bend..and swell..and seperate showing the beautiful artificial grain structure .. and develop weird fungal rot
Oaky tomes, man, I hope LAP doesn’t start sounding like wine snobs. “This table has a nice tanniny pucker”.
Every time one of your books comes out, I keep forgetting about the “release.” I’ve had, and read, the pdf long before the physical book ships. I’m a little embarrassed to say the last couple of books are still in their wrappers.
I’m the exact opposite. PDF copy is nice when I want to search for something I think might have been in the book. Give me my dead tree any day. 🙂 No, really. Ship mine first dangit! 😉
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Word from west of here…
Is this available from anyone in the UK yet so that I can avoid horrendous shipping charges?
Can’t wait for oak tomer fest.