You might have heard: Megan Fitzpatrick is no longer the editor of Popular Woodworking Magazine.
While readers might be wringing their hands or wondering how the magazine will fare without her (hint: it will be just fine), I am personally and selfishly pleased at the news.
Megan was, hands down, the best employee I ever had (followed closely behind by Kara Gebhart). As my managing editor, Megan worked her butt off. She was both passionate and professional. Intensely curious about the craft. Willing to do whatever it took to get the magazine to the printer while refusing to sacrifice quality.
And now, with her days free, she can work for Lost Art Press even more – both editing and writing. As many of you know, nearly every book at Lost Art Press has benefitted from Megan’s careful eye and deadly red pen. And, if I get my way, she’ll allow us to publish a book of hers that’s been percolating for many years.
The community of woodworking editors is small – maybe 30 or 40 people at most. And when someone leaves a publication, one of two things happen. Most editors disappear. They return to their lives as commercial woodworkers or move on to edit a magazine about drones or hospital hand sanitizers. A few (and I can name them on one hand) refuse to leave the world of woodworking and carve out their own place. On their own terms. And they improve the craft (and their own lives).
The smart money says that Megan will do the latter.
So please welcome Megan to the ranks of the Woodworking Editorial Hobo Society (of which I am lifetime member). There’s a warm chair and a cold beverage waiting for you at our next meeting.
— Christopher Schwarz
May she do well.
I am personally saddened by the news, but happy for Megan and her new life. Now. She can finish her remodel.
Some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright.
Great reference, very apropos! To those wondering where that came from, just watch “Shawshank Redemption.”
Wow!!! Right on Megan! I’m sure this will be an amazing change for you. So excited to see you thriving and kicking ass.
Please extend my sincere congratulations to the Esteemed Ms Fitzpatrick. I’m sure Pop Wood will miss her, but I’ll gleefully look for her articles or comments on this site.
Congrats Megan! 😁👍 >
MAP gas to light a cigarette? I’d have thought she’d at least be an acetylene gal! Congrats, Megan, I hope this frees you up for great things, both to you, and the craft.
I’m not sure that’s a cigarette…
Megan will be a woodworker for life. Without question. But I really, really hope she remains in the part of woodworking where we get to follow her vagabondage. It’s been great fun watching her evolution so far.
I for one barely noticed the change from you to her. All the best on her next trip.
It worked for you it will for her.
You probably will not read this but if you do and willing to consider publishing the series of workbench personality into a book or booklet, you already have one buyer.
Thanks for all the guidance, entertainment, wisdom and experience sharing all along.
I’m not interested in opening the finger-pointing can of worms, or the one that includes the “he-said-she-said” controversy…but I keep coming back to this question: was this move her idea or theirs?
God that is so cool to see – just like watching 10 minute trailer trash.Up and down in flames. Their loss is her gain….
I was really thinking OUR gain!
Welcome to the ranks of the self-employed!
happy happy
Congratulations Megan! Your work on the LAP books has been amazing, and I’m looking forward to seeing more there. I’m also excited to see what you get done with your house with all your new-found free time!
Good luck, Megan!
Big loss for PW.
A world gets its Editor .
“Fitz edits The World!”
Poor ole’ PopWood! It’s systematically lost many of it’s best people. I’m not looking forward to losing my favorite woodworking mag – hope it survives.
Megan-have a fried egg sandwich on me.
Here’s hoping that the next chapter in your life will be well written.
I love the picture, dangerously cautious. The cigarette has a filter, and Megan is making sure she keeps her hair away from the flame. Sort of like using a gas filled carburetor bowl to extinguish a cigarette, but making sure the fire extinguisher is in its place on the wall.
Sincerely all the best for the future. Your adventures in house renovation should be an inspiration to all.
Good for her. I hope her life will be filled with happiness. Pop Wood just lost an ace.
Best of Luck Megan–Corporate Publishing’s loss is Anarchist Woodworking Publishing’s stellar gain!
Bon voyage, bonne chance!!!!
I always thought it a real privilege to work with Megan. To me, she was never anything but kind, supportive and generous with her time. She took a chance on me, and I will never forget that. I consider her leaving to be a tragic loss for FW Media and Pop Wood, and I am not sure what it will mean for authors and contributors like myself, or what it means for WIA. But I have zero doubt that Megan will be a superstar, no matter where she goes or what she does.
what the heck are “bas-a#% people”
I only met her once, at the storefront just a few weeks, ago but she impressed me in person as much as her writing has. Helpful, humble, no nonsense and funny. I am confident she will do well at whatever she turns her hand to and I look forward to buying a copy of her book. Please talk her into a signing or release party at the storefront.
Thanks so much to everyone for your kind words. Onward and upward!
So grateful to have met you a few times. It was always a pleasure to help out at WIA and I hope to run into you again! Best wishes for your continued success in bad@$$ery! 🙂
Smoking! Really? It’s 2017!
Shaming women? Really? It’s 2017!
Touché pussycat!
Where can I find one of those cigarette lighters? Looks like it would last and handle the damned wind here in Kansas.
Mmm. How about HD 🙂
Everyone has it all wrong. That is a fascinating way to light a torch. You go girl!