Ah! The 16(?) inch circular saw. I remember the pictures of that from the last FORP.
In the immortal words of King Arthur, “RUN AWAY!”
You’ve sure got a big one!
Damm, that will not fit in my tool chest !
Your version of a Roubo track saw??
How’s the gyroscopic effect when that beast runs?
There is a visible movement of the saw and the hands that hold it when it is turned on. I was some distance away. Concern is relative to proximity
Looks like a fine tool for causing problems as well!
Woodworking basics: Big saw + great tee shirt
Forget the saw, what did you use to make those huge threads in that timber on the right?
They came that way from Jameel at Benchcrafted. You will have to get with him if you want one
I think the underlying theme of these FORP events is “Size does matter”.
( +1 on the tee shirt. It really helps sell the entire pic and title.)
Nifty new sawhorses this time!
Goes well with the shirt, too!
Ah…Yes…The daily life of we Timberwrights…
Big Wood.
Big Tools.
Big Joints (threads included 🙂 )
…and lots and lots of delicious “murdered meat products!”
beams saws have always scared the you know what out of me. I spent about a full week resawing huge timbers (wrong tool) at the instruction of a supervisor. Way too much blade for a portable machine.
Hmmm…I am not sure “too much blade” is actually the issue??
I agree that the “gyroscopic effect” is daunting, but the “proper use” and “conditioning” makes this tool more than applicable for the “right job.” I have worked with and number of skilled brutes that handle this tool with one hand and arm without issue…but that again is about “proper use and conditioning” more than them actually being “brutes”…:-)
I have plenty of experience with these saws including timber frames. I have also seen plenty of guys use them one handed. It won’t change the fact that hand held tools with very large blades should be used with a serious dose of caution. The way other people use dangerous tools without caution is the reason I work in my shop and not with them on a jobsite. I’ve witnessed the aftermath of too many horrific injuries. Besides, those saws are too heavy for their base plate. Their accuracy is limited to 10ft joinery. Joinery that is only seen from 10ft away.
Agreed. Loving the shirt. Where did you find it? 😀
This unit is used with the festooltracks?
There is a “custom modified base” for the Makita Timbersaw than can be adapted to the festool track system. We have just taken to employing the track (at times) to facilitate certain “long rips/scarf” cuts and/or “gang cuts” of rafter/joist ends. It does a great job in most germane applications…
That would definitely make it a more accurate and useful tool.
I was thinking railroad tracks… 🙂
I have missed called them “tracks” ever since I got to use on in the early 70’s…I still do it today, even knowing they are called “rails” the silly habit has formed in my head :-\
That blade must cut really cleanly – those victims keeled over behind you show no signs of blood!
Sick, I got to have one for my box of toys.
Try one first…
but I think you will really like it if you have much need for cutting “big timber.” When well tuned, and properly employed they can split the layout line, or trim cleanly the score line.
We use them all the time for all manner of cut…both production “gang cuts” or even some rather tedious repetitive cuts that a larger saw can expedite (when done well and proper.) We have found it very useful in repetitive cuts for such acts as 背割 – “Se-wari” (aka The “spine divide” or “back split” method of relieving stress in timber by kerfing top of member found in many Asian timber framing modalities such as 民家 – “Minka.”
Whats your name chris!? Your badge appears smudged.?
(I really hope it says Inigo Montoya.)
Glad your not in france Chris, not a good place to build a bench right now. My thoughts…
Ah! The 16(?) inch circular saw. I remember the pictures of that from the last FORP.
In the immortal words of King Arthur, “RUN AWAY!”
You’ve sure got a big one!
Damm, that will not fit in my tool chest !
Your version of a Roubo track saw??
How’s the gyroscopic effect when that beast runs?
There is a visible movement of the saw and the hands that hold it when it is turned on. I was some distance away. Concern is relative to proximity
Looks like a fine tool for causing problems as well!
Woodworking basics: Big saw + great tee shirt
Forget the saw, what did you use to make those huge threads in that timber on the right?
They came that way from Jameel at Benchcrafted. You will have to get with him if you want one
I think the underlying theme of these FORP events is “Size does matter”.
( +1 on the tee shirt. It really helps sell the entire pic and title.)
Nifty new sawhorses this time!
Goes well with the shirt, too!
Ah…Yes…The daily life of we Timberwrights…
Big Wood.
Big Tools.
Big Joints (threads included 🙂 )
…and lots and lots of delicious “murdered meat products!”
beams saws have always scared the you know what out of me. I spent about a full week resawing huge timbers (wrong tool) at the instruction of a supervisor. Way too much blade for a portable machine.
Hmmm…I am not sure “too much blade” is actually the issue??
I agree that the “gyroscopic effect” is daunting, but the “proper use” and “conditioning” makes this tool more than applicable for the “right job.” I have worked with and number of skilled brutes that handle this tool with one hand and arm without issue…but that again is about “proper use and conditioning” more than them actually being “brutes”…:-)
I have plenty of experience with these saws including timber frames. I have also seen plenty of guys use them one handed. It won’t change the fact that hand held tools with very large blades should be used with a serious dose of caution. The way other people use dangerous tools without caution is the reason I work in my shop and not with them on a jobsite. I’ve witnessed the aftermath of too many horrific injuries. Besides, those saws are too heavy for their base plate. Their accuracy is limited to 10ft joinery. Joinery that is only seen from 10ft away.
Agreed. Loving the shirt. Where did you find it? 😀
This unit is used with the festooltracks?
There is a “custom modified base” for the Makita Timbersaw than can be adapted to the festool track system. We have just taken to employing the track (at times) to facilitate certain “long rips/scarf” cuts and/or “gang cuts” of rafter/joist ends. It does a great job in most germane applications…
That would definitely make it a more accurate and useful tool.
I was thinking railroad tracks… 🙂
I have missed called them “tracks” ever since I got to use on in the early 70’s…I still do it today, even knowing they are called “rails” the silly habit has formed in my head :-\
Love it! https://www.facebook.com/GSHaydon/photos/pb.261999080566039.-2207520000.1447269395./322530214512925/?type=3&theater
That blade must cut really cleanly – those victims keeled over behind you show no signs of blood!
Sick, I got to have one for my box of toys.
Try one first…
but I think you will really like it if you have much need for cutting “big timber.” When well tuned, and properly employed they can split the layout line, or trim cleanly the score line.
We use them all the time for all manner of cut…both production “gang cuts” or even some rather tedious repetitive cuts that a larger saw can expedite (when done well and proper.) We have found it very useful in repetitive cuts for such acts as 背割 – “Se-wari” (aka The “spine divide” or “back split” method of relieving stress in timber by kerfing top of member found in many Asian timber framing modalities such as 民家 – “Minka.”
Whats your name chris!? Your badge appears smudged.?
(I really hope it says Inigo Montoya.)
Glad your not in france Chris, not a good place to build a bench right now. My thoughts…