In your laſt acceptable Letter dated from Weſtminſter the 2d. of Auguſt, I obſerve that you deſire me to turn my Speculations, and to give you my Thoughts upon ſeveral Appearances relating to a Razor; particularly to ſay ſomething concerning its Edge and Sharpneſs, which in a good Razor is ſo fine and ſo nice, that it is ſubject to the leaſt Change and Alteration in the Weather; and particularly that Cold has ſuch an Influence upon it, as to ſpoil and blunt its Edge, inſomuch that it will hardly cut a Hair aſunder.
In anÅ¿wer to your Å¿aid Letter, I muÅ¿t acquaint you, Sir, that I Å¿have my Å¿elf, and that my Razor, which I always uÅ¿e twice a Week, and which I have had above Thirty Six Years, was never Ground but twice, and yet it cuts very well; but I Å¿et it Å¿ometimes upon an Oyl-Å¿tone or Hone, yet not as I obÅ¿erve Å¿ome Barbers do, who Å¿troke it above Twenty five Times on one Å¿ide, and then again as many on the other; whereas I on the contrary paÅ¿s my Razor once only on one Å¿ide, and that very gently with the Edge againÅ¿t the Stone, and then on the other Å¿ide in the Å¿ame manner; and Å¿o continue about ten or twelve Times; after that I paÅ¿s the Razor, with the Back of it downwards, upon a Leather prepar’d with Tripoly [which the Silver-Å¿miths uÅ¿e, to PoliÅ¿h or Clean their Plate with.]
When I look upon Å¿uch a Razor thro’ my MicroÅ¿cope, I Å¿tand amazed at the great number of Gaps and Notches that I Å¿ee in the Edge thereof, and wonder how one can Å¿have ones Å¿elf Å¿o Å¿oftly therewith; nor does my Razor refuÅ¿e to do me Service even in Winter and cold Weather, tho’ I muÅ¿t own at Å¿uch times the Shaving is a little more painful, but that I have hitherto thought, was only occaÅ¿ion’d by the Hair of the Beard being harder in Winter than Summer, when ’tis cold Weather I always keep my Razor in a Room that has Fire in it.
Now as to what concerns the Razor’s becoming blunt in cold Weather, I can conceive no other ReaÅ¿on for it, but that the materia Å¿ubtilis, or exceeding fine Matter, which is in all Metals, and which we may compare to Fire, is by the Cold driven out of the Edge of the Razor; by which means the Steel becomes so Å¿tubborn or hard, that in a fine Razor it makes Notches, and is blunted by the Hair. I have alÅ¿o experienced, that after having Å¿haven the Beard with a fine Razor, and attempting to Cut Å¿ome of the little Hairs in the Eye-brows, which were harder than thoÅ¿e of the Chin, notwithÅ¿tanding that they were a little Å¿oftned with Water, Å¿everal Notches were thereby made in the Å¿ame Razor.
I asked a certain skilful Barber, what difference he found in his Razors in very cold or hot Weather; who informed me, that when it was very Cold, he always dipt his Razors in warm Water, which made ’em cut much the better.
I have thought fit to acquaint you with the manner of my preparing my Leather upon which I paÅ¿s my Razor. My Shoe-maker furniÅ¿h’d me with a Piece of Leather, that is very Å¿mooth upon the Å¿ide next the FleÅ¿h, and of about two Fingers breadth; this I faÅ¿ten’d with Glue to a thin Board of the Å¿ame breadth, and when ’twas dry, I Å¿mear’d it all over with a Tallow-candle; and then I held it over the Fire a little, ’till the GreaÅ¿e had inÅ¿inuated itÅ¿elf into the Pores of the Leather, and this I repeated three times; after which I pour’d all over it a little Tripoly waÅ¿h’d clean, which I workt into the Leather with the GreaÅ¿e Å¿o long, ’till the GreaÅ¿e or Tallow became warm, when I pour’d on freÅ¿h, repeating that Operation four or five times, till my Smoothing-Leather was fit for uÅ¿e.
I have alÅ¿o taken fine Powder’d Emery [a Powder or Stone alÅ¿o uÅ¿ed by the Silver-Å¿miths to PoliÅ¿h their Plate] which I firÅ¿t Å¿teep’d in a little Water, and then pour’d a good deal more upon it, which having Å¿tir’d well together, and afterwards let it Å¿tand a little, I pour’d off the uppermoÅ¿t part of the Water that was impregnated with the fine Emery into another GlaÅ¿s, and after that I put a little Linnen or Woollen Rag into the aforeÅ¿aid Water, one end of which extended itÅ¿elf to the bottom of the Å¿aid Emery, which I Å¿uppoÅ¿e to remain in the GlaÅ¿s, and the other end of the Rag hung out, in order to draw off all the Water from the Å¿ubÅ¿ided Emery; which Emery being thereby become dry, I rubb’d it into the Tallow’d-Leather in the Å¿ame manner as I had done the Tripoly before, only with this difference, that I work the Emery in with a Piece of Å¿mooth Ivory, or elÅ¿e with a BurniÅ¿hing-Steel; this being done, I Å¿troke my Razor Å¿oftly over it, the Effect of which has been, that Razors, with which I have cut Wood, and which I have thrown aÅ¿ide as uÅ¿eleÅ¿s, have been recover’d to Å¿uch a Degree, as to become fit to Å¿have ones Beard again.
The aforemention’d Barber complain’d to me, that he had a Razor, which tho’ it appear’d very fair to the Eye, yet was Å¿o Å¿tiff, that he cou’d bring no Edge to it, by paÅ¿Å¿ing it ever Å¿o often upon a Hone: I deÅ¿ired him that I might look upon it thro’ my Microscope, and found Å¿everal Notches in it; but I judg’d that it had been little uÅ¿ed to a Hone, because there was Å¿o little of it worn away, tho’ he inform’d me Å¿ince that be had Å¿et it above Fifty Times, but cou’d never bring it to bear.
I paÅ¿Å¿ed the Å¿ame Razor over my Strop or Smoothing-Leather, which I had prepared with fine Emery, and then gave it him again; and a few Days after, askt him if he had made uÅ¿e of it, who told me he had, and that he had found it very good, and that in Å¿ixteen PerÅ¿ons he had Å¿haved with it, he had found but one Beard that the Razor cou’d not Conquer. Now as one Razor it Å¿ofter than another, I wou’d adviÅ¿e that the Å¿oft Razor shou’d be paÅ¿Å¿ed on a Strop that is prepared with Tripoly, and the hard one upon a Strop prepared with Emery.
You Å¿ay further, Sir, that if one cou’d diÅ¿cover the fine Particles of the Steel, of which the SharpneÅ¿s or Edge of the Razor does conÅ¿iÅ¿t, you imagine that one might alÅ¿o be able to find out the cauÅ¿e of the very different Effects produced in the Å¿aid Razor.
To which I ansſwer, that as for what concerns the fine Particles of Steel, as alſo Gold, Silver, &c. they are inconceivably ſmall: one may indeed, by the help of a good Microſcope, juſt diſcover the exceeding ſmall Particles of Gold and Silver, but one cannot perceive of what Figure they are; and who can tell of what a Multitude of Parts thoſe little Particles, which we ſee by the help of a Microſcope, are again compoſed: and although we can diſcover thoſe little Particles of which Gold and Silver are compoſed, becauſe we can diſſolve both Gold and Silver in proper Menſtrua or Waters, and can as it were unite them with thoſe Waters, and again collect thoſe Particles of Gold and Silver together, fit for our view; yet this has no Place in Iron or Steel, the fine Particles that compoſe which, we can only diſcover in the broken Gaps or Notches of a Razor, for inſtance; and the greater and courſer the Parts are, of which thoſe Metals are compoſed, as we may ſee in Caſt-Iron, the leſs valuable are the ſaid Metals; but the finer the Particles are, the more valuable in my Opinion will be the Steel and Iron which they compoſe.
Now when we view the Å¿mall broken Parts of Gold, Silver, Steel, Iron, &c. We muÅ¿t conÅ¿ider that each of thoÅ¿e Particles, as Å¿mall as they appear to us, are again compoÅ¿ed of a great number of other exceeding Å¿maller Particles, which Nature has knit together; and that theÅ¿e coagulated Particles are yet more Å¿trongly united by Fire, and after that are Å¿o conÅ¿olidated by the Strokes and PreÅ¿Å¿ure of the Smith’s Hammer, that they Å¿eem to us to be but one body, tho’ they do conÅ¿ist of a great many Å¿mall Particles, the courÅ¿eÅ¿t of which are always obvious when we come to break the Mettals: and how often Å¿oever you melt any of theÅ¿e Mettals, and break them again after they are cold, you will always be able to diÅ¿cover the grainy Particles therof; but you will find them Å¿o Å¿trongly joyn’d and riveted in one another, that they appear to be but one Body.
When the Steel is prepared and made into a Razor, and Å¿et upon a Hone, we may perceive a great many long Streaks or Scratches of the Å¿aid Stone upon the Razor; and the CourÅ¿er the Hone is with Sand, the CourÅ¿er and Deeper thoÅ¿e Streaks are in the Steel. They PaÅ¿s the Razor thus prepared upon one Stone, oftentimes upon a finer, to the end that they may Grind out the aforeÅ¿aid long Streaks, which it had acquir’d upon the courÅ¿e Stone; for every one of Å¿uch Streaks in the Steel, when it is Sharpned or Ground again, becomes a Notch: when Å¿uch Notches are Ground out of the Razor upon a fine Oyl-Å¿tone or Hone, the Steel, where any of theÅ¿e Notches were, appears to the Eye as Å¿mooth as GlaÅ¿s; but when we come to view the Razor with one of our beÅ¿t MicroÅ¿copes, one may diÅ¿cover that thoÅ¿e long Streaks which cauÅ¿e the Notches, are no more taken away by the Oyl-Å¿tone, than when the Razor is Ground on a rough Stone; and the only difference is, that the Streaks of the former are finer than the latter: in Å¿hort, when one obÅ¿erves with a good MicroÅ¿cope the many Notches that are in the fineÅ¿t Razor, one wou’d wonder how any of them cou’d cut Å¿o well. This, Sir, is all that I have to Å¿ay to you upon the Å¿ubject of Razors at this time.
Delft, Sept. 10, 1709.
Your Humble Servant,
Antony Van Leeuwenhoek.
Philosophical Transactions, Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies and Labours of the Ingenious, In many Considerable Parts of the World – Vol. XXVI (London) – 1710
—Jeff Burks
And by the time they’d finished reading his monograph, the safety razor was invented…
A very interesting read! It reminds me to get one of those usb microscopes. David Charlesworth uses a magnificent microscope in his workshop; I was wondering why my freshly sharpened plane blade didn’t cut very well and few minutes peering through the looking glass solved the mystery.
Is there any chance that we could get a font face that renders descenders on the Å¿ character? I find that very distracting to read that misrendered character.
The descender appears when the text is italicized.
Thanks for the clarification, and clearing up some of my type ignorance. It occurs to me that I have probably only read italicized text before this.
When you invent the microscope you look for things to put under it!
Wow, so sharpening zealotry goes back quite some time.
I’m about as unconventional as they come with regards to woodworking. I have never found a need for a microscope in the shop. 🙂 Magnifying glass is another story.
Often one doesn’t realize he needs a tool until he has the tool and uses it. Our expectations regarding what we’ll think of an experience we’ve not had are woefully inaccurate. I would bet that if you had a microscope in the shop, you’d soon wonder how you lived without it. 🙂