To be a man is to be responsible: To be ashamed of miseries you did not cause; to be proud of your comrades’ victories; to be aware, when setting one stone, that you are building a world.
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, (1900-1944) French writer, aviator, from “Terre des Hommes” (1939).
Off topic
St.-Exupery is second only to E. Gann
So many great nuggets from Exupery and Wind, Sand, and Stars. I have a French copy, but I find reading Wind, Sand, and Stars a lot easier than Terre des Hommes. It is amazing how many Exupery quotes show up in woodworking publications though his writings are fitting to so many aspects of life. Thanks for all the great reads and the progression of your tool chest. Doug
thats some great toolbox man