The Box-maker (1) smootheth hewen Boards (2) with a Plain (3) upon a work-board, (4) he maketh them very smooth with a little plain, (5) he boareth thorow with an augre, (6) carveth them with a Knife, (7) fasteneth them together with Glew, and Cramp-Irons (8) and maketh tables (9) Boards (10) Chests (11), &c.
The Turner (12) sitting over the treddle turneth with a throw (15) upon a Turners Bench Bowls (16) Tops (17) Puppets (18) and such like Turners work.
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Orbis_full.jpg (644.78 KB)— from “Joh. Amos Comnienii Orbis sensualium pictu” (1664) by Comenius, Johann Amos (1592-1670)
You seem to be on a real historical bender these days.
I wholeheartedly approve!
More please! I love this stuff.
I love examining these pictures. Since they’re engravings I feel like the artist takes more time to think about what he’s trying to portray and how to get the information across in a simple and effective way. He doesn’t take as many liberties as a person making a charcoal sketch might. That is, of course, pure conjecture on my part.
Can you provide any information about the source of this wonderful engraving? It sounds like the title in translation would be something like "Images of the Material (i.e., sensed) World"–would love to know more about the source!