I just returned from two weeks (and then some) in Bavaria. For the most part I was teaching classes put on by Dictum GmbH. It’s been more than five years since I’ve taught there, so it was great to catch up with old friends and make some new ones.
Here’s a typical scene at dinner one night with the students. We got our menus and the students were explaining what a “divorce salad” was.
“Is this what you eat when you want a divorce?” I asked.
“Yes, of course,” they said.
“No,” I replied. “You are pulling my chain.”
Eventually we realized they were saying “die wurst,” which means “the sausage.” Not “divorce.”
And yes, they put hot sausages on a green salad here. Don’t knock it until you try it.
I’m returning to Dictum next year for two more weeks of teaching. The plan is to teach two chairmaking classes: A big ole comb-back at the workshop in Niederalteich. And an Irish armchair in the workshop in Munich. When registration opens for these classes, I’ll post the links here.
I made a short video of the Dutch tool chest class. Students came from all over the globe.
In between a few too many beers and Bavarian food, I managed to finish editing Megan’s Dutch tool chest book. It was worth waiting for. Soon we’ll begin designing the book, so it’s definitely coming out this year.
After teaching, I traveled to Nuremberg with Lucy to explore the city and see a lot of folk furniture at the Fränkisches Freilandmuseum. I could have spent three or four days there, but we had only one. I made a video of some of my favorite pieces and interiors. Take a look.
And now I’m back in the States. Happy to be home, but falling asleep at odd times until my body adjusts.
— Christopher Schwarz
Since you liked the furniture above, please do yourself the favor of checking out Zakopane Poland and the museum dedicated to Zakopane style. It’s more of an architectural style but it’s influenced the folk furniture of the area. It may be a bit fancy for the styles you like to build but I guarantee you will see some things in there that draw you in.
and while there, you can sample the delicious smoked cheeses that are sold in the Tatry Mountains.
A day trip from Zakopane will see you off to Orava Castle in Slovakia which has a ton of original furniture to the castle, particularly, blanket chests and chairs. The things are similar to the Carpathian style of furniture but it may give you some new inspiration you haven’t seen in your German/Irish travels.
Was there a possible issue with the Youtube upload on the Dutch Tool Chest video? The length is only 3 seconds!?
He did say it was a short video!
If you find yourself with a longer time to travel and visit when you’re in Europe, I think you’d really enjoy the Ballenberg open air museum in Switzerland. https://ballenberg.ch/en/ They’ve collected and moved “typical buildings” from every region in Switzerland and collected them in one place.
I’m glad you liked the trip, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it! Maybe next year.
Really looking forward to Megan’s book!
German’s will serve you a cup of meat with mayo and call it a salad. Fantastic people they are 🙂
I recall being on a business trip in Germany for a week. I am a meat eater but by the end of the trip I craved vegetable. Was an odd feeling.
The museum video was really good. Thanks for sharing. Glad you had a good trip.
I hope that Fitz will.br signing copies when the book is published!
I’m trying picture how that double wedge tenon would work. Do you just use one wedge to split the other while you are pounding it in?
I was wondering the same thing. My hypothesis: saw kerfs for both wedges. Drive the first wedge home, then split it with a chisel and put the second wedge in.
In case anybody is wondering about the weird label on the hanging cabinet in the cooper’s workshop around the 5:35 mark: The entire cabinet used to be an ammo crate for a WW2 anti-tank gun. Good to see it used for something more sensible!
Utterly enchanted by the painted cabinet at 5:00. Thank you for the show.
Who is the singer at the end of the second video? They match the external shots very well.
The song is Golden Hair Summer by Midway Maverick.