As Megan and I mentioned yesterday, we are having serious problems with our WordPress site. We have a technical expert working on it. WordPress has mostly ignored our pleas.
In some ways, we are still trying to find out what is wrong with our Domain Name Servers (DNS). Some readers are not receiving email updates when we post new blog entries. Some are. Some are receiving an e-mail update, but it is only the digest form of the entry. Some people can see our posts in their RSS feed. Others are denied access to it.
So, if you are so inclined, could you leave a comment below telling us how you saw this entry.
- E-mail, full text
- E-mail, digest
To ensure this post is long enough to kick the old WP into digest mode, I’ve elongated this entry with an old entry below.
Thank you. And apologies for the trouble.
— Christopher Schwarz
Be Fox Mulder, Not Cotton Mather
The best thing I can say about graduate school is that it taught me to think.
When someone presents an idea to you that is the opposite of everything you’ve read before and everything you believe is true, how do you react? Most people reject the new information like a kidney grafted to the place where the liver should be.
I used to be like that until I started reading Noam Chomsky’s criticisms of how mass media works.
Here’s the dime-store paperback version: Look for information that doesn’t match the conventional wisdom. This new information may not be correct either, but you should examine it closely because it will teach you something.
Here’s how this plays out in the workshop.
In 2007, we re-published Joseph Moxon’s “The Art of Joinery” – the first English language book on woodworking – with some commentary from me. In the book, Moxon discusses “traversing” a board with a fore plane to clean it up and remove twist. I demonstrated this operation in the book and readers on the discussion forums howled.
Sadly, posts on the forums expire, so digging up the discussion is difficult. But here’s the gist:
- “Traversing” doesn’t really mean working across the grain.
- You never work across the grain with a plane. You work “with the grain,” that’s why we have this expression in our language.
- Moxon wasn’t a woodworker so he’s wrong.
- You interpreted Moxon wrong.
- You are wrong.
- Please die.
Ten years later, it seems funny that this conversation ever happened. That’s because enough people (the Fox Mulders of the world) tried Moxon’s techniques and were able to discredit the Cotton Mathers.
After 20 years in this business, I’ve seen this happen time and again.
- A.J. Roubo’s workbench from Plate 11 is for carpentry. Not furniture making.
- The bark side of a board cups and the heart side bows? Ridiculous.
- You have to finish both faces of a board or it will warp.
- You have to alternate growth rings in a panel glue-up or the panel will warp.
- Hide glue is outdated.
- Paint is for covering poor workmanship only.
- Nails are for carpentry, not fine furniture.
- Workbenches need a tail vise.
I could go on and on. And it would soon sound like I’m giving you a list of things to believe, or not to believe. All I really want to say is my favorite Russian paradox: “Disobey me.” And I’d like add one more bit of information to that: There is a way out of the paradox, but you have to find it for yourself.
— Christopher Schwarz
Email, digest
Email digest. Have a fantastic day guys!
(nice post, though!)
Oh, and I’m again listening to The Joiner and Cabinet Maker while dovetailing a bunch of kitchen drawers… I could just use a biscuit, but I like the process and find it satisfying.
Got the whole enchilada…
Email digest
Email full text
Email, full text
Email, Digest
Email digest
Email digest
This is all that sows in your email from today:
As Megan and I mentioned yesterday, we are having serious problems with our WordPress site. We have a technical expert working on it. WordPress has mostly ignored our pleas. In some ways, we are still trying to find out what is wrong with our Domain Name Servers (DNS). Some readers are not receiving email updates […]
Read more of this post
Same for me. I assume this is the digest version but am not familiar with wordpress so I couldn’t say
This is also what I received, last few posts have come in a similar cashion
Mine, too.
Same for me.
Same here, for the last few posts.
Same for me.
Usually I would get the full text email, I think this is the first time, I got the “klick here to read more” version
Same for me
Email, Digest
Email, full text?
E-mail, digest
Email, full text
Email digest
I received email: full text.
Good luck resolving the DNS – it can be a bear.
Email digest
Email, digest
Email Digest
Email digest
Email, digest
E-mail, full text here
Email, digest
Email digest
Email, digest
E-mail, digest
Email, digest
Email, digest
Email, digest
Email, digest – and good luck with these wee, webbly beasties!
Email, digest, for this one. But the AP about eating a meal had full post in my email.
Email, digest
Came as an email with a link to the rest of the post.
E-mail, digest
Email, full text
e-mail, full text
Email digest for me
E-mail, full text
Email digest
E-mail digest
Email digest
Email, digest. Good luck
Email digest
Email , digest mode
Email, digest
I think it was an email digest –with a link to the full text.
Email, full text
Email, digest
Email, digest.
E-mail, full text
Email digest/start
First thing I read in the morning. Bing lookup no email. Full text. Miss the old days before Sub stack took your daily ramblings away.
Resist much
Obey little
-Walt Whitman-
Email, digest
Email, digest
Email, digest
Came as a normal post, but had to use the link to access the full message.
Email, digest
Email full text
E-mail, full text.
Email full text
Email, digest
Email digest
Email, digest
Email, digest
I got a paragraph, with last line
“Name Servers (DNS). Some readers are not receiving email updates […]”
email, full text
Email, digest
Email digest.
Email full text
Email, digest.
Hasn’t shown up in the RSS feed yet, but yesterday’s post did so it’s probably a matter of time.
No problem with e-mail
I visited your website
Email, digest
Email digest
I just log on to the blog. I had no idea you could get it via email. LOL. Oh, now I see it…..just below. I like to log into the blog and have set as a favourite so no issues.
Email, full text
Email, digest
Email digest
Email, digest
Email full text
Email, digest.
Email full text
Email, digest
Email, Digest
email digest
Email digest
Email digest
E mail OK with one paragraph. Link worked fine as near as could tell. ELF
Email, full text
email digest
Email then full text in Safari
Showed up in the RSS feed around 5:43 Pacific. Full text.
I received the email. Would love to help, but I honestly don’t know what Digest or RSS mean, so I’m not sure how to tell what form is working or not. Sorry.
Email, full text
Email and full text.
1 0
No problem. Reading it
email, digest
Email with a link to the rest of the post.
Email, digest
Email digest
Email, digest (use gmail app on iphone if that’s helpful)
Email digest.
That was supposed to be 1.0, not 10.
Email digest
Email with a link to the rest of the post
Email, digest
It also came through in full text in my RSS reader.
Email, digest
Email digest and RSS
email, digest
Email, full text, bunch of comments, photos, LAP promo material. I’m disappointed that the LAP emergency alert doesn’t make a sound on my phone and warn me when Megan is contemplating another cat post.
Email summary with a link to full text. No photos until I got on this site.
email, digest
Email, digest
E-mail, digest
Email Digest
Email digest
Email, digest
Email, digest.
Email digest
Email digest
Email, digest
Email digest
Email, digest
Email, digest.
E-mail, full text
email, digest
Email on Gmail coming through Optimum internet service in WV
Email, full text
Not one of your choices, but the LAP blog is always an open web tab (Chrome) on my phone, so always on. I hit the menu button, then the blog home button in the drop down, and Bob’s your uncle, there’s the newest entry, bright and shiny and completely normal looking. (Just wanted you to know that I follow it contrary to the crowd. Is that considered disobeying? Was responding to your survey with unsolicited information also considered disobeying?) All the best with the repairs.
Email, digest… as was yesterday’s open wire post.
E-mail, digest
Full email
I’m not sure of the technical IT term to describe what I received… but it’s an email… looks quite normal… and the best part, it’s in English… well written… and provocative. I’d give you more description but I’m afraid I have to go try to plane something across the grain!
I believe I got the lot. Email with link to read more which worked when selected. Able to leave comments. Hope you get it fixed soon.
Email digest
Email, full text
Can’t seem to comment, so +1 for RSS. Glad to seem I’m not the only dinosaur.
Email, partially digested
Email, digest.
Showed up in facebook feed, no email
email digest but usually full text
Email, digest
Email, digest.
Email, digest
Email, Digest
Email , full text
E-mail, digest (I guess). I had to click on the “Read more of this post” link to see it all. I’d prefer full text.
Email full text.
“Believe nothing you hear and half what you see” Repeated to me by Tommy Twaddle, owner of the News Center.
Email digest
Email, one paragraph and a link to the blog.
e-mail Was black and white.
Email digest
Got full text
Email digest
Email, digest
Email, full text
email, digest
digest email
Email with a “read more” button
Email, digest
Email Digest
I got a digest E-Mail.
the email used to be full email but it changed, the april 23rd email was the last full one. I assume it is “email digest” now because it is an email of first few paragraphs with link to read the rest, and the link does work.
i have never used rss, or i dont know what it is (or both)
Email, full text.
E-Mail digest with the last sentence as “Some readers are not receiving email updates […]
Read more of this post” always without any photos/pictures except when the link is activated.
Email digest…
I don’t think it would be DNS server related but could be DNS records. Some email systems require certain DNS records known as SPF, DMarc, and DKIM
Email, digest
email, digest
Sending the team happy thoughts, great respect, and best wishes for happy days. When you write more books I will buy them.
E-mail, digest
Email, digest
Email, digest
Email Digest
Went to the blog to read it.
Email digest
Email, digest
Email, digest
email digest
Email digest
email, digest
Came as an email with a link to the rest of the post
Email, Digest
E-mail, digest
Email, digest.
Initial post with active link to full message
email, full text
Email digest
Email digest, just started last week
E-mail digest – gmail address.
My regular address is signed up for the email notifications but the last one received on that address was October 25, 2023. LAP is not the only site I don’t receive notifications from. There seem to be some WordPress general problem with the address. That address is my WordPress login address.
Email with link
Email digest
E-mail, digest
Last RSS was April 9th.
RSS saw yesterdays post about Open Wire on RSS too
email digest – was getting full posts until recently when it switched to digests
Email, digest.
Email, digest.
Email digest
Email, digest.
Email full text.
E-mail, digest
Email, digest
Email, digest.
Got only digest.
E-Mail, Digest
Email, digest.
Email, digest
Email full text
email digest
Email, full text
Email, digest, no header image
Email – digest
Good luck!
email digest.
Email Full text
Email, full text
Email, digest
E-mail, digest
email, digest. The link at the bottom of the email opened the full article on the website. I usually get full text in the email
E-mail, full text
E-mail, full text
E-mail, digest
Email digest
Email, digest. Per usual
I got it by email, but I don’t know the difference between digest and full text. The emailed version did not include the entire blog entry and ended with a link stating “Read more of this post”.
Email, full text
email, full text, and I like it that way
Email, digest
Email digest
Email, digest
Email, digest
e-mail, full text
Email, full text
Email digest
Email digest.
Email Digest
E-mail full text
Working OK
Email, digest
Email, digest
Also showed up in RSS feed, but delayed from email version (this may be normal).
That is normal. If you think of email as a “push” technology, rss is a “pull” technology. Your rss reader has to ask for the latest update and typically does so on demand or on an hourly basis.
Email full text. Canada, in case it matters
Email. Digest
Email digest
Email, Digest
E-mail, full text
Email disgest
E-mail, full text
E-mail, full text.
Email, digest
Got full text by email
Email, digest
Email digest. There have been times when your email came though as computer “ line code” unreadable. I mentioned this to Megan several months ago in an email and she had no explanation.
Correction, last name is O’Brien not O’N
Email fulll text.
Email full text.
Email, digest
Email, digest
Email digest.
The digest version started after the screwdriver post.
Technology is great when it works! Best of luck!
Email, digest — I used to get full text before your problems started.
Email, digest.
Email full text
email, full text
E-mail, digest
Email, appears to be full text including hundreds of comments which kept loading as I scrolled down them.
Got shortened email (couple of paragraphs if that is what you mean by digest).
Also got full post on my NetNewsWire news feed.
Email, digest
Email, full.
Email and digest.
Email digest
Received as an email.
Email, digest.
E-mail, digest
Email digest
Email, digest
Email digest
Email, digest
I received the digest version in my email.
Email full text
E-mail, digest
Email digest with link to full post. In the post there are no apparent problems with other links to the blog. This is from a Macbook Pro (2014) running Firefox 115.9.1esr (64-bit), with email @gmail.com.
Email. Digest.
For me this switched between 4/23 (full – Classes near and far) and 4/26 (digest – flaking out Friday).
Email digest
E-mail, full text
E-mail, digest
Email, digest
Email digest with link to full content
Email, digest
Email digest, but was full text last week.
Email, digest
RSS, full text.
email digest
2) Email, digest with link
Email full text
Email, digest
Email full text
Email, digest with link to blog post
E-mail, digest
Received by email. Full text.
Email. Full text.
Email digest. Good luck.
Email, Digest
E-mail full text
RSS, full text
Email, digest. (Not digested.)
Rss feed
Email, digest.
Email, digest.
Like others, emails were full text on 4/23 and then digest as of 4/26.
email digest. posts over the past months have been full email. this is the first digest I’ve noticed and haven’t noticed any missed email posts.
Email, full text. The issues with WordPress may not be your fault. WordPress has been all over the cyber security news lately. https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/04/hackers-make-millions-of-attempts-to-exploit-wordpress-plugin-vulnerability/
As for DNS or domain hosting, if you’re domain was hosted by Google, Google sold that part of their business off to Squarespace and I know of at least one domain that rolled over to Squarespace this past week. https://support.google.com/domains/answer/13689670?sjid=14375089934765221414-NA#zippy=%2Cfor-customers-who-purchased-a-domain-directly-from-google-domains
Email, digest.
Email digest.
Email, in digest form. I usually get emails that are full text. (It also scrolled by on my Facebook feed, btw)
Email full text
Email, 3-1/2 sentences with a link to the full post.
Email, 3-1/2 sentences with a link to the full post.
E-mail, digest with link to full post.
Facebook. I did not get an email… but I did get an email from American Peasant this morning.
E-mail Digest
Email, complete post
E-mail, full text, I think. Ain’t technology great, when it works.
And now that I’ve gone back to read the rest of the post… you remind me of the Terry Pratchett quote: “His philosophy was a mixture of three famous schools — the Cynics, the Stoics and the Epicureans — and summed up all three of them in his famous phrase, ‘You can’t trust any bugger further than you can throw him, and there’s nothing you can do about it, so let’s have a drink.'”
Email with link to full post
Email, full text.
Email with link to the full post.
Email, digest.
Email, digest
Email digest
Full text email (expanded through “read more” link).
E-mail, full text
Email digest with link: “Read more of this post” which redirected to: https://blog.lostartpress.com/2024/04/28/this-is-a-test-of-the-lap-broadcasting-system/
email digest…
E-mail, full text
Keep up the good work
emil an digest
E-mail, digest (Click here to read full text)
I at least saw it on my feed using WordPress’ Jetpack app. Does that mean RSS? (I don’t think I am subscribed via e-mail, I like using Jetpack or an RSS reader.)
Email, digest. And thanks for all your publications!
Email digest
Email, digest form. Sorry you’re having such “Fun” with technology.
email digest
email digest with link to full text
email digest with link to full text
The first lines with a link to read more.
I happened to refresh the website and see this, but my RSS reader had nothing (not even old posts). I noticed that my old feed had a trailing slash, but when I removed that in feedly it worked.
Current saved RSS link did not work:
modified RSS link worked:
You are correct. Thank you!
email, link to the full text
Email, digest I think
email, link to full text
Email, full text
Email, digest
Lost Art Press
April 28
As Megan and I mentioned yesterday, we are having serious problems with our WordPress site. We have a technical expert working on it. WordPress has mostly ignored our pleas. In some ways, we are still trying to find out what is wrong with our Domain Name Servers (DNS). Some readers are not receiving email updates […]
Read more of this post
Email containing link to the full text (that opened right up).
Email, digest.
Email, digest
This will probably be lost in the 375 comments, but it is possible that you or your mailing list provider got on a blocklist. This can happen for many different reasons – another customer of the same provider could be sending out lots of junk mail, for example. https://sendgrid.com/en-us/blog/avoiding-email-blacklists explains how this works.
This happened at my work. MASSIVE PITA
Saw via RSS. Thank you for supporting RSS.
Rss, not sure if I subscribe to email.
I went to the website itself, since Feedly (RSS) hasn’t updated in a few days
email, full text
Email, digest but put this comment box at top of comments if you can.
Email, digest
EMAIL, “the first couple lines followed by dot dot dot”. I wouldn’t call that a compilation or summary, but I guess that’s DIGEST.
RSS and I can breathe again
Email full text on 04/23 then digest on 04/26 and forward.
Email, full text
Email, digest
email, digest
email, digest, link to “read more of this post.”
Email, digest
Only 3) RSS feed, no email.
Email, digest. Until recently (roughly a week ago), I was receiving all of the LAP blogs posts Email, full text.
Email, digest.
Email digest.
Email and digest I think. Click this link to read whole post
Email. I’ve no idea whether this is a ‘digest’ or full post. I thought there was a fair amount to read. Don’t know what an ‘RSS’ is, so no comment.
RSS, full text
Email, digest
E-mail, digest
Got the digest form and was able to read entire post when I pressed “Read more ” button. Enjoyed it!
Email, digest, since Friday
I received the digest form and I was able to read the whole post. Hope this helps.
Email, full text. No issues. You guys are doing a great job
Email, Digest. But I actually just come to the LAP site directly nearly everyday, so I all but ignore the email. I’d better respond to a text message than anything.
Email, full text. All good! 🙂
RSS via NewsBlur
Hello from Hobart!
Email with full text, I think. Ends with” There is a way out of the paradox, but you have to find it for yourself.”
Email digest with link to full text.
Got the RSS at 05:15 PST
I’m number 413 lucky me. Rcvd like always. Maybe fixed.
Email, full text. You are coming through to New Zealand OK
Email digest
Email full text.
Hope it sorts out soon.
E-mail digest
Email, full text
Email with link to full text
RSS, not seen any issues.
E-mail, digest
Email, digest
Email. Digest.
Email digest
Email, digest.
Email digest
Email, full text.
Email with the complete message
Email, full text. Hit my inbox at 8:16 am EDT Sunday Sunday April 2i, 2024.
Saw this first on my email. But I have been getting notifications for posts that were older as well which I thought odd. Not sure if I was getting those instead of the new updates or not.
Just a digest
Email digest
Feedly says that your RSS feed is broken: “Feed not found — Wrong feed URL or dead feed”. Normally I follow the blog via RSS.
Found this post by Facebook.
Update — deleting the old entry and resubscribing seems to have fixed the RSS feed issue.
E-mail, digest
Email digest, not full article
Email Digest
Email, full text
Email, digest (used to get full text)
Email, full text
Email, digest.
Email, digest
Email Full text
E-mail, full text.
Email, digest (I think – abbreviated email with link to here for the full post)
RSS, full text
E-mail, full text
E-mail, full text
Email with link to remainder of post.
Email and digest for me too
Unpluggedshop.com I this that is a rss feed…
RSS full over here.
This is what I got
Lost Art Press
April 28
As Megan and I mentioned yesterday, we are having serious problems with our WordPress site. We have a technical expert working on it. WordPress has mostly ignored our pleas. In some ways, we are still trying to find out what is wrong with our Domain Name Servers (DNS). Some readers are not receiving email updates…
Email, digest.
Email, full text.
Email, digest
Also got a come on from Word Press, after commenting, to subscribe; so it must not know I’m already subscribed?
Full email, I think.
Might be RSS since I got more posts after this point. Seems to go on well below this point.
RSS I guess. Appears as a favorite in my browser as blog.lostartpress.com
In my email as a digest.
Email Digest
Email Digest
Email — full text.
Email Digest
Email Digest
RSS feed
Email, digest. Thank you all at LAP!
Email digest.
Received as an email digest
Email, full text
Email, full text
Email, digest
Email, full text. Good luck.
What change did you make to DNS? Everything looks good to me when I investigate the hostnames I’m aware of. Your time to live (TTLs) on those records are reasonable and relatively short. Someone else mentioned SPF records, and I see that you allow google and -all. The -all is not absolute, and receiving servers can still reject messages when others will accept them. When the blog sends emails, is it sending through Google or WordPress’s own mail server? If sending through WordPress servers, I’d recommend adding them to your SPF record.
Sorry, you use ~all (damn my old eyes) which means receiving servers usually accept the message but can mark it as suspicious. It might be in people’s spam folders.
Receive by digest.
email, full text
Email digest
I have noticed in the past that some posts seem to “break” the RSS feed (for my reader at least) for a period of time. These seem to usually be excerpts from books.
It’s been a while since I checked this out, but I had looked at the raw feed and there was an unexpected white space character (it might have been a vertical tab, I can’t remember exactly) that broke the RSS parsing. I think this might have come from copying the text from layout software, but I’m not really sure. I don’t recall this happening recently.
E-mail full content
Blog.lostartprss.com on Safari
Email, digest
blog.lostartpress.com on FireFox
I see an email with a partial paragraph and a link to see the full text, which I clicked on and was provided what I think is the entire text.
Email, digest.
I am not sure what I got could be called a “digest” of the post. What I received in email was just a portion of the first paragraph of the full post. Essentially “As Megan and I mentioned yesterday…” through “email updates […]” with the text “Read more of this post” as a link to the blog.
I used to receive the full article in email but for the past week or so all have been like the above.
Email, Digest.
Full text email
Email, Digest (first paragraph, with read more).
Noam Chomsky–righteous!! Saw and met him in Windsor, Ontario back in the early 2000s. His book, and documentary by Wintonick and Achbar are, IMHO, required viewing/reading if you care about the world you live in. I really dug the way the doc was framed in the context of Plato’s allegory of the cave!!
E-mail, full text
E-mail, digest
RSS via Liferea running on Ubuntu 22.04. Delivering all blog posts in full text just fine near as I can tell.
Message received, over…
Email, full text
E-mail, full text
RSS feed. This morning I received a large batch, so I assume the queue flushed when you got it working. Happy to be back in the know….
RSS feed.
RSS Feed
RSS. I clear my feed every day. a bunch of posts appeared only today 4/30.
E-mail, digest
E-mail, digest
This is what I got
Lost Art Press
April 28
As Megan and I mentioned yesterday, we are having serious problems with our WordPress site. We have a technical expert working on it. WordPress has mostly ignored our pleas. In some ways, we are still trying to find out what is wrong with our Domain Name Servers (DNS). Some readers are not receiving email updates…
RSS but it’s loading 10 posts every week and they’re repeating
RSS…but very hit and miss. First one in a few weeks.
RSS, together with a flurry of other posts today (May 3rd)
RSS. it came through time-stamped by Feedly at May 3, 2024 at 2:13 AM (I’m in CDT)
Can through on my RSS this morning
RSS feed
RSS, got the last 6 or 7 all at once on the 3rd
RSS feed on Feedly. Today a bunch of post came through, but nothing for at least two weeks before this.
Same. RSS through Feedly with a bunch of posts today and nothing for a while before.
Rss, full text, 4 hours ago
All your posts since April 20 just appeared in my Feedly this morning at 12:13 am.
RSS, but only just this morning, in a batch of delayed posts, starting with Apr 20th LAP Open Wire
RSS, and exactly as Brinton said above.
RSS – just got a bunch of posts, dating back to April 20
RSS, full text
RSS (NetNewsWire). Full text