First, if you are in the area tomorrow (Saturday, Dec. 2), I hope you can stop by our shop at 837 Willard St. for our Open Day. We do this only twice a year, and it’s a great way to catch up with other woodworkers and snag some bargains on blemished or discontinued products (basically 50 percent off – cash only).
Second, here are some quick updates on some products.
The Anarchist’s Square Kit: We had some problems holding the parts as we were milling the joints – the tolerances are a bit crazy. But we have it under control now and are in full swing with production. We hope to have the first batch for sale next week (if we’re lucky).
Crucible Lump Hammers: We are still waiting on handles. And our hopes are diminishing that we will have hammers before Christmas. Lee Valley still has stock. As does Highland Woodworking.
Crucible Engraving Tools: I just finished assembling 145 of these on Wednesday with the new round cutter. As of this morning we are down to 113 in stock. As I type this Megan is sending out replacement round cutters to those customers who received the too-pointy ones.
‘With Hammer in Hand’ Posters: We are down to our last 150 posters from the run of 500. The good news: We turned a profit on this poster. The bad news, at this rate we will run out of these posters by January.
‘Lost Art Press Workbook’: We’ve sold half of the 1,000-unit press run. We have just gotten into the black with this project, which allows me to unclench various organs.
— Christopher Schwarz
And release.
Could you make the squares from solid wood? I’m just curious about where in the manufacturing process that it becomes too impractical.
You could make yours out of solid wood – easily. For us, solid wood is too unpredictable for this precision process.
Also, the plywood ensures the square will stay square.
Curious why the retail of the Lump Hammers is significantly lower at Lee Valley. Doesn’t seem to make a ton of sense, but I’d like to know the logic, if there is one.
It’s an error on someone’s part. All prices of our good are supposed to be within $3. We have reached out to Lee Valley.
You’re welcome.
This is a question about the engraving cutters. Would it be possible to buy just a handle? Because I will put the too pointy cutters to use. I made a nice handle on it so it would be more comfortable to hold but I will soon buy a compass to put one into as well.
Not at this time, I’m afraid. All the cutters and handles are matched and packaged. Maybe in the next batch we will offer handles and cutters separately.