You are all so very kind – thank you! We have more offers now than we need now for tools, so we’re set there. And for those of you who are interested in donating a dollar or two toward a few unpaiud bills with this class, we have this link set up:
– Fitz
Jerome Bias is teaching a scholarship class here next month. Most of these students are new to hand tool woodworking, so we are gathering tools to give them or loan them during the week.
I’ve got the saws and block planes and hammers we need. But if y’all have some excess user tools that have followed you home at one time or another that you could donate, read on.
Jack Planes
I’m hoping to hand each student a sharp and functioning metallic jack plane they can take home and use. Nothing fancy. Just a Stanley No. 5 or equivalent. I don’t care about what “type” it is, just that it doesn’t need restoration (I don’t have time to do that, I’m afraid). I can easily grind and sharpen the iron.
12” Combination Square
Likewise, I’d like to give them a 12” combination square to take home. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but it would be nice if it were better than the plastic ones at the big box stores.
Hand Drill
The students are going to be boring a lot of pilot holes for nails. If you have a functioning hand drill that could use a good home, let us know.
If you have any of these tools you could send, email Megan at and let her know. She’ll give you shipping instructions (and let you know if we have already collected enough tools).
Thanks in advance for helping these six new woodworkers.
— Christopher Schwarz
Email sent
What are your Saturday hours?
Thank you!
Gregory Saulnier
I’ll be here from around 10 a.m.-3 p.m….might step out at 1 to grab lunch.
Sanity check: When you say “hand drill” you mean crank, not electric, right?
Yes. Aka eggbeater drills
I think I have a spare No. 5 I can knock into shape. Will you also be taking cash donations for materials and such for this group? I suspect a number of us would love to contribute that way as well.
Thank you, John! (I just added a link atop the post for monetary donations.)
Thanks everyone for helping to make this class a success.