I had a half-hour or so video chat with Derek Jones, the author of the new book “Cricket Tables,” to ask him about the form, what drew it to him in the first place, where the name came from, and where his online handle (lowfatroubo) originated. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and listen in.
Also, the book is now available for purchase in the store, and for 30 days, you’ll get a free pdf when you purchase the hardcover book. (By the way… I screwed up…and didn’t get that pdf up before we launched the book – so if you’ve already purchased the book, you’ll be getting a notification to download that free pdf sometime early next week. Sorry for my boneheadedness.)
– Fitz
Waiting on the postman to deliver this to my door!
I thought the odd leg angles resembled that of a cricket’s hind legs. Thus, cricket table?
Oh, but I’m watching … and very much enjoying the sneak peak, too, while waiting for my copy of the book to arrive – as usual it’ll have to go to Florida first, before coming back (!) to Cincinnati (‘cause that’s whence DHL carries stuff out of the U.S.) and then hither.
Worth waiting for, though. And I really like that green.
Nice interview, thanks. I find the history fascinating.
What a fascinating discussion, Thanks for sharing.
Does Lost Art Press sponser book tours? It would be great to meet this guy and get a book signed.
No. But he teaches here every year. He was here in August teaching a cricket table class. And we hope he’ll come back in 2024…..