Last week, the county inspectors said we could start occupying the first floor and the basement of our new headquarters. And, after we add some more exit signs and emergency lighting, we will be allowed to occupy the second and third floors.
On Monday, we will move our fulfillment operations to the first floor of the Anthe building. John and his crew are going to set up the packing tables and picking carts. And set up some more shelving racks.
This is a big step forward. But there is still much to do. We need to get the second floor cleaned up so we can move the last of our inventory from Indiana. And our general contractor is now fitting out the storefront.
The storefront will be used for storage until we can get the second floor ready for inventory. But after that, we’ll start designing shelving for the retail space. We want to have the retail area done for Christmas. But that is (I’m guessing) stupidly unrealistic.
But “Stupidly Unrealistic Since 2007,” is our corporate motto.
— Christopher Schwarz
There is a sense of humor that emanates from Lost Art Press that needs to be experienced again and again. Thank you for keeping it real and be simply, people who have a passion for what they do. So please continue to celebrate being unrealistic!!
I’m guessing the GC was not specific as to exactly which Christmas the retail space would be ready! 😂🤣4
Well, you didn’t specify Christmas of this year.
If you can use some help with cleanup I’ be glad to come down. I think Megan has my number.
Thanks Joe! Much appreciated. If there’s an opportunity to use you, we will
At least it’s not filled with glitter…
Good steady progress. You must be excited. And tired.
We have been tired since April for some reason.
Awesome — and inspiring. I’m now looking at old buildings as projects. But one question — do you only access the second floor with stairs? Or is there an elevator? How do you move boxes to ground level?
The elevator is not functional.
We have a second-floor loading dock above the first-floor dock. Our truck (basically a walk-behind forklift) moves pallets up and down the floors.
We hope to someday get the elevator working as a material lift (no passengers). But not today.
So nice to see LAP repurposing and refurbishing an old building that so many other’s would have ripped down and replaced with a new build, newer is not always better, kudos to you all!
Awesome Christopher!
It takes integrity, determination, reasonable planning, and action to turn Stupidly Optimistic into achieved goals and Success!!
Great work! I’m glad you are now going to be occupying and using your new space!
I’m happy to hear the only things keeping you from the upper floors are signs and lights. I was afraid it was going to be a major project. That’s great news!
“ Stupidly Unrealistic Since 2007”…
is far better than,
“Unrealistically Stupid Since Birth “
Great to see the building coming along. I’m sure it will be a perfect fit for LAP.
I’d like to see it on a LAP t-shirt myself
Pfft, I’m waiting for the beer growler.