Along with hopefully enough copies of all our books and most of our tools (everything we have in stock), we’ll be bringing a bunch of Lost Art Press Woobies to Handworks 2023, and will include them with every purchase until we run out. I am not counting them…but I think we have about 280 in the box.
We will also have about 1,000 Lost Art Press postcards…or so I’m assured by the printer! Those will be free until we run out to whomever visits our booth and wants one.
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at Amana Colonies September 1-2; it’s been a minute!
– Fitz
p.s. If you’re attending and haven’t yet registered, please take a minute to do so now (it costs you nothing to register – and you might just win a fabulous door prize)!
This close to the event I would guess my hopes of having a hot-off-the-press Dutch Tool Chest book ready for Megan to autograph are fading fast… but, I hope to see you there! Which reminds me, I need to request the day off of work…
Please, Megan, I want to give you my money! Finish the book!
I look forward to seeing you all at Handwork’s and hopefully can snag a Woobie with whatever I buy. It will be my first time in Iowa
I signed up months ago. I’m about a 4 hour drive away. I’d contacted the organizer asking about organized seminars and how-to sessions and was told it really isn’t that kind of format. Instead, it is more like a trade show and each of the vendors does their own thing at their booth. (“Handworks isn’t an event/seminar kind of show. It’s more like an impromptu back porch get together.”) I’m at the stage where I look for more formalized education than sales pitch, and I’m afraid I’ll come home with a truck full of neat stuff rather than knowledge and information.
Am I wrong? If I didn’t already have a rock solid bench, a solid representation of the tools and equipment that Chris and Megan use in their shops, and a general grasp of handtool woodworking (thanks in large part to my LAP library!), I’d go for sure. Undoubtedly, though, it will be a heck of an event. Maybe it’ll be a there-and-back day trip, we’ll see.
Steve, even though it’s not formal education, it’s great fun! I’m also about 4 hours away (Rochester MN), and this will be at least my 3rd Handworks. Hope to see you there!
Looking forward to Handworks and Roy Underhill’s presentation. Having attended open houses at LAP, I’m thinking of Handworks as a big open house. Plenty of opportunities to meet new hand tool lovers. See you soon!
Could someone who has been there comment on seating? as in I don’t stand as long as I used to, should I bring my small folding stool?
Esther, really good question! I also can’t stand as well as I used to and could use something to sit on during Roy’s talk Saturday morning. As I remember the last time we met @ Handworks, his talk was about an hour. So, by all means bring your small folding stool. Just be aware, that most, if not all will be standing.
They have had some seating at past events. But I’m bringing a seat. If not for me, then for someone else who needs one.
Registered and reserved a room back in the spring. Not looking forward to the long drive but I know it will be worth it.
Out of curiosity, why the “u” in “labour?” You’re American peasants, I thought, what’s with the Britishism?
The source of the expression, a 19th century billhead, spelled it that way in 1905. And they were American.
Question — when you registered, did you receive any sort of confirmation email or just the confirmation that immediately appears on the screen after clicking submit?
For my part, I got an e-mail pretty much straight away, confirming the registration.
Can you share with me the email or contact who got back to you? (See my comment below as I’ve not been able to get a reply from anyone related to the event)
Sure! The e-mail was from info@handworks.co and just said “We’ve recorded your info” and told me what the info (i.e. my name etc.) was that had been recorded. I haven’t needed to write back to them, so have no idea how well monitored that address would be.
I dare say, though, given with what few resources I believe this thing is run, that they are likely to be busier than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs … ?!
Of course, that doesn’t make it any less frustrating not to know if one is or isn’t in with a chance at those indeed drool-worthy door prices! Good luck with finding out!
Much appreciated — thank you
I signed up on opening day and never got any sort of reply and tried a second time. No reply. I then emailed the email via the contact page and never got a reply. I also tried messaging handworks2022 via Instagram Messenger back on March 24 and no reply there either. So I have no idea if my registration ever really got logged and nobody to contact. I have a hotel and flights booked so I’ll be there but really wish I knew if I am properly registered (lots of great door prizes) but couldn’t get a hold of anyone. If someone has a name or email of someone who can confirm registration can they share it?
I didn’t receive any feed back either but I understand it is run 100% by volunteers and probably not enough as things go these days. I’m just thankful they are putting the effort in to host another show.
See you there! My buddy and I are flying in from Boulder, Colorado. Maybe the engraving cutters will be ready from the American Peasant…