My internet service was out for a while and I wasn’t able to respond to the comments to Chris’ reading of “A Visitor Comes to Covington” or to the backstory of the book. Thank you for the many very kind comments.
I wasn’t sure how the book would be received. In the letter sent with the book my suggestion was to put it on a high shelf in the library, push it well to the back and put something heavy on it. Alternatively, it could be buried in the basement. Fortunately, the Stick Chair Badge Approval & Distribution Committee (Chris and Megan) liked the book and I heard there was a bit of teary-eyedness when each had read the book. I didn’t intend to make anyone cry but have to confess I got a bit of moisture around my eyes when Chris read the book.
Below is a photo of my last cat, Bunky Beanie Bronzini. He was a big and solid 15-pounder capable of herding me towards the kitchen when he thought I might be headed in the wrong direction. If he had lived another few years he would gained another name or two.
Thanks, again for reading!
–Suzanne Ellison
It was an excellent book, both in idea and presentation. Thank you!!
The book is an absolute delight. I have been following Chris’s emails for years and thus understand the many references…which makes it even more fun. Your followup explanation of the broader background also helped. It is a fabulous gift that they obviously enjoy in the spirit that it was given in.
That book is a work of art worthy of a real stick chair……in bog oak……covered in protection spells.
An absolutly terrific book. Thank you for the opportunity to read it and listen to
Chris’ reading
An absolutly terrific book. Thank you for the opportunity to read it and listen to
Chris’ reading
Suzanne, votre petit-grand livre est remarquable, n’hésitez pas ! Recommencez !
Recommencez? Bien sûr! Une idée pour un autre livre se prépare.
Alléluia !
As a book lover and a cat lover I didn’t stand a chance here! I’ve added you to my list of celebrity crushes.