I am delighted to report that, late on Monday, I sent Jögge Sundqvist’s latest book, “Karvsnitt: Carving, Pattern & Color in the Slöjd Tradition,” off for pre-press and proofing. (It should be available in around 7-8 weeks, and will likely be less than $50.)
Below is a sneak peek at just a few of my favorite spreads (the whole book is a gorgeous riot of color and pattern). We’ll post an excerpt when we get closer to having the book available.
– Fitz
“To me, contemplating what pattern to cut on an object — on a box, spoon or knife handle — feels like I’m being served dessert. I want to enjoy the process, allow the sketching the time it needs to create a unique and ideal pattern: a decoration that I can cut at my leisure, safe in the knowledge that it will stand the test of time for many years to come. This is the feeling and experience I want to share with you.” – from the Introduction
“The ideal is when the color catches the light and, in an almost magical way, lends a resonance to both the carved surface and the decoration. For me, that’s argument enough.” – from the chapter on Painting
“A slöjd object with a consistent expression and a purpose connected to the context in which it is used tends to last longer in terms of design. When patterns and symbols align with function, the different parts are bound together into a whole by the subtext — a certain unity to which they all contribute.” – from the chapter on Pattern Construction
“The desire to communicate through signs and symbols goes back eons. In 2018, the earliest known artistic creation by a prehistoric people was discovered in South Africa’s Blombos Cave. A flat stone with nine lines of chalk is believed to be the world’s oldest work of visual art made by humans. About 73,000 years ago, this chalk drawing with an abstract motif could be understood by others. Even then, humans were able to use symbols and store information outside our brains.” – from the chapter on Symbols & Magical Signs
Man this is exciting news. You made my day. Thanks for bringing this book to English speakers. Some day I hope to go over and take a class from Mr. Sundqvist.
It looks great! (not that anybody would have expected anything less than that – seriously, the work done at LAP is outstanding, content and physical appearance).
Great getting it translated, I’m torn between yours and the original!
So looking forward to this!
God, please just take my money!
Well, I think you should send me one, as soon as it’s ready! I’ll even pay you!
Thanks for the good news!
Absolutely can’t wait!
Are you taking pre-orders? If so, when?
We don’t do pre-orders. But stay tuned – no doubt we’ll let you know the day it’s available. (Prob second week of May)
Count me in. Jogge’s creations are so d&*ned beautiful. So sorry to have missed him at Greenfest 2018, but he had to cancel due to family emergency.
Excellent news.
Tack så mycket!
That’s easy for you to say!
Earlier you said available second week of May. All the more the reason to celebrate another turn of the calendar for me – and a few more gray hairs where I yet to lose them.