My first tattoo will be up my right arm and will say: No more posters, dummkopf.
Wall posters, no matter how nice, are not a good product for us. With the exception of the “With Hammer in Hand” letterpress poster, which we cannot reprint, posters lose money or (at best) break even. We have two posters in the store right now. They are taking up valuable space in the warehouse and are not selling.
So before I recycle them, here is your chance to buy them at the lowest price we can go without losing even more money.
Our “Family Tree of Chairs” letterpress poster is now $12. It is available in either black or green ink. We broke even with the first printing of the poster. And then when we did a second run, we ended up with way too many because of a mistake at the printer.
This is a gorgeous, gorgeous poster and graces the wall of my office. The drawing is from artist Lee John Phillips, based on my research. Please don’t make me recycle these. They are so pretty.
The second poster is our “Edwin Skull Chair Poster, Circa 1865,” which is now $5. This poster is a reproduction of a fantastic broadside by the Edwin Skull company that shows 141 chairs in remarkable detail. It’s a beautiful example of 19th-century advertising and chairmaking technology. A portion of the proceeds goes to the Wycombe Museum, which has the original in its collection.
I already paid the museum the proceeds we promised on the entire run based on the original retail price. So we have taken care of our financial obligation.
OK, back to making books and furniture.
— Christopher Schwarz
Sunce you don’t sell to new Zealand, can I bribe you into sending me one of each poster if I send you some great Kiwi art posters of carvung art in exchange. john Woods, 635 Wainui Road Gisborne 4010, New Zealand
Sorry, no. But you can use a mail-forwarding service. https://blog.lostartpress.com/2021/12/23/my-bonnie-lies-over-the-ocean-a-way-to-shop-at-lost-art-press-from-outside-the-u-s/
I’d be happy to send you $17 and you donate a set of posters to someone worthy. I’ll round up to $20, giving stuff away is a hassle.
Keep doing the posters if you can! The downloadable version, I mean. I printed the plate 11 one and framed it. It’s hanging in the shop.
Can buying posters for a shop with unfinished walls be considered an act of faith?
In my very first shop, my only stationary tool was a radial arm saw. Craftsman, circa 1980. I was ripping and a board kicked back, went flying across the room, through the drywall and into the next room. Man, I could have used a couple of posters then, for each side of the wall.
Maybe you could target poster sales to RAS owners.
the family tree link is broken
We are sold out.
Impressive! You should print more!
I can’t find the family tree poster on the store and the link is broken.
We are sold out.
Regarding the With Hammer in Hand poster you state “we cannot reprint” this poster, out of curiosity why is that? Is it technical, legal, it was so successful it moved you into a higher tax bracket for a year or two?
We don’t own the rights to the imagery. It belongs to the artist. And he has left the business.
Thanks for the explanation.