At 4:30 p.m. Eastern today, March 24 (that’s 8:30 p.m. in the U.K.), I’ll be talking with JoJo Wood of Pathcarvers and the Bench.Talk.101 team about how woodworking and other crafts can be an aid to mental health. In particular, we’ll be discussing the Kieran Binnie Memorial Fund for Craft. This fund, set up in memory of our friend Kieran, goes directly to Pathcarvers to support their important work. No administrative fees. No strings attached. It allows Pathcarvers to offer and fund tuition for people who cannot afford it.
You can join the conversation by clicking on the linktree link @Bench.Talk.101 ‘s Instagram bio, which will be updated to include a zoom link 5 minutes before the meeting is about to start. If you miss the live discussion, it will be posted afterward here on YouTube. (If you click on that link now you can view the previous Bench.Talk.101s to get a feel for the format.)
— Fitz
I donated and then sent her a message. She never responded. That made me sad.
Wish her and her group best wishes anyway.