(Publisher’s note: We try to kindly discourage readers from giving us gifts. We have all the tools we need. And there are so many other people in the world who need help. But once in a very great while something shows up that is so stunning that we feel compelled to share. — CS)
When we get an unexpected package at Lost Art Press from the other side of the world, it’s typically a book proposal – but once in a while, we are stunned by the kindness of strangers. The hand-cut marquetry bookmarks shown above, by Elena Simonova (@woodsimka on Instagram), are just such a surprise. They were commissioned by Russian reader Alexandr (no last name in his accompanying letter), and feature Bean the Shop Cat as drawn by Katherine Schwarz for a LAP sticker a few years back, the Lost Art Press dividers and stylized lettering, and a six-stick Kentucky stick chair a la Christopher Schwarz.
Even before we realized the pictures are hand-cut marquetry, we were impressed by the scrollsaw pattern work on the lower portion of the bookmarks. Then we took a close look at the tops:
That is some tiny and impressive work!
Thank you, Alexandr (and BTW, your English is impeccable despite your concern to the contrary), and thank you Elena; we will treasure and use these gorgeous and generous gifts.
— Fitz
Great site, love it.
Thank you so much!!! Megan is so generous to my work in this article!
How about a raffle, with the proceeds to be donated to Ukrainians?
Hi Dave! So many Russians are frustrated and feeling guilty because of this terrible war now. We didn’t choose this president and we are against war, but noone asks ordinary people when high politics play, unfortunately.
I would be happy to help in any way and definetely I will help when I can send money to Ukraine again.
very cool!
Thank you so much!
Im very grateful for your kind words, thank you!
Wow, stunning and impressive work.
Thank you very much!!!
I’m very glad you liked it. Thank you for the kind words.
Regards Alexander
Beautiful. Creative. Skilled. Generous.
Thank you! When you love what you do, it’s a big happiness!
Wow! Very impressive in several ways.
Thank you very much, Im so happy when other people like my works!
Those are very nice, and I am in the marquet for a new bookmark
Hi Steve, I would be happy to help withthe bookmark. Sorry if it’s not allowed in this blog to make commercial offers, I will delete the comment immediately.
I might have had the coordination for that kind of work when I was younger, but would never have had the patience. Amazing. If the artist is looking for other commissions, or has a store website, please let us know.
That’s work for patient people, thank youvery much for your kind words! of course I would be very grateful for any commissions. I hope I can write about that here, the bookmarks were a gift of pure appreciation from Alexander, nothing more.
sorry I coudn’t find how to dm you here. I have an Etsy store WoodsimkaUniqueGifts, and and you can see my Instagram name in the article. Thank you again.
Thanks; that’s the information I needed (and it gives others a chance to look at your Etsy work too.)
How do I discontinue receiving all comments?
Hi Don,
You are not in our subscriber database. So I suspect you are using some sort of RSS reader (such as Feedly). These allow you to subscribe to posts and comments. And so you’ll have to change the configuration of your reader.
Sorry we can’t do anything on our end.
Wow wow wow!!!
Thank you! )))
WOW….Just fantastic.
Thank you Michael!
Chris & Megan – I am completely blown away by such a jester of kindness that someone would do this for someone on the other side of the planet. Especially with all that is going on with the world right now. It not only tells us we are all one, that is human beings, but how special the two of you are!
Sam Cody
Knoxville Tennessee
Hi Sam, I really didn’t expect Megan and Chris would be so generous to make a real post, this was a gift from pure heart from Alexander, he’s in love with what they do. Especially now, when most Russians feel so guilty for things they didnt vote for. I’m so grateful to all people who comment.
Dear Megan and Chris,
thank you so much for all your kind words, this work was an honor to me and very responsible. Making something for such masters of woorworking – that requires all skills and attention))
Im very glad you liked the result.
with greatest respect,