I am pleased to announce that we have hired Megan Fitzpatrick as the editor at Lost Art Press. She is our company’s first employee, and I cannot think of anyone I’d rather have in that position.
I am not going anywhere. I will be the publisher. That means I’ll be deciding what titles we’ll print, what tools we will make and – most important to me – I’ll be writing many more books for Lost Art Press (my real love).
Why are we doing this? During the last few years our company has grown to the point where it cannot function with only me, John and a few part-time contractors. We now ship more than 60,000 books a year. And we make tools and apparel, too. We have dozens of supply chains and more than 50 books that have to be managed – plus another four or five new titles every year.
I have resisted hiring employees because I don’t want to manage people. And I don’t want to control anyone’s livelihood. Luckily, Megan does not have to be managed.
Megan and I have worked together for about 20 years now. I first met her when she was on the marketing team at F&W Media about 1998, and she had no problem bossing around my boss when he was late. I immediately liked her. I later hired her as my managing editor at Popular Woodworking Magazine, and she made quite an impression on her first day. When the IT guy (a former Marine) repeatedly failed to do his job, she quietly but fiercely (and correctly) explained his shortcomings to him and reduced him to tears.
Megan was a beginning woodworker when I hired her, and she quickly latched onto anyone on the magazine’s staff who would teach her things. Her skills advanced quickly. After I left the magazine in 2011, there was some shuffling about on the staff and she ended up as editor. And I was one of her freelance authors.
After so many years of working together in different roles, Megan and I can (mostly) read each other’s minds. We (mostly) don’t annoy one another. And we both agree 100 percent on how to make good woodworking books and how to treat our authors.
So not much will change here, except for the fact that I’ll have more time to write books and blog entries. And Megan will be in charge. She’ll continue to teach woodworking classes here and elsewhere. And I hope she will continue to write for Fine Woodworking as well.
Please congratulate Megan on her new job. And I hope we get to work together for another 20 years (and that she never has to make me cry).
— Christopher Schwarz
(Ed. note: I will never try to make authors, customers or Chris cry. The guy he’s talking about, though, absolutely deserved it.)
Congratulations, Megan!
Well done Chris. I’m sitting in a board meeting of my wife’s software business and well remember how big the decision was to take on her first employee ten years ago. Great news. Good luck to you and Megan.
Congrats Meghan!
Wonderful news! Congratulations 🙂
Congrats Meghan…and Chris! It sounds like it will be good for all.
Excellent news. I like Megan and her style. Have followed her at Fine Woodworking for many years and on Instagram for a couple. Also, leaving Chris to write some more GREAT books and spend more time on my most favorite blog of all time is outstanding. Looks like a win/win to me. The new year is looking very good indeed.
Congratulations Megan! Well deserved!
Hopefully, Megan will no longer be blue.
Megan wasn’t in charge already?
Seriously, there is literally no one better for that job. This feels like a big win for everyone. Hearty congratulations.
I’ve looked, but can’t find the listing. How do I go about applying for Megan’s old job?
I hear a septadextrous octopus named Gus is the frontrunner for that position. Gus could probably do more if allowed to sit.
Fantastic news! Congratulations to you, Megan, as well as to Lost Art Press for the growth and direction. This makes this year brighter already for me.
From here on, fresh shrimp every day for Olivia!
Congratulations to you all. Thank you for the all of the wonderful content Lost Art Press produces. You are my favorite company. God bless you all and may you have continued growth and success for the decades to come.
Warmest congratulations to you both! Sound like wins, all around, for you — and for us, the punters!
I don’t suppose, Chris, that any of that “more time” you hope to have on your hands henceforth might go towards you teaching the odd class now and again?
Howsoever that might be (or not), once more good on y’all!
Hi Mattias,
If I have the time, I probably will teach a couple classes here at the storefront. I learn a lot when teaching, and it pushes me to be a better writer, woodworker and thinker.
Congrats to you both, the future continues to be bright at LAP!
Happy for both of you!
Congratulations Megan! Your knowledge and experience make you right choice for editor and you’ll be a great asset to LAP. I really enjoyed our class in August and I hope you’ll continue teaching. I know you’re passionate about sharing your woodworking knowledge and you’re very good at it. Cheers
Congratulations Megan!!
Congrats, Megan! This is so well deserved and such a wonderful thing, all around. I’m lucky to work with such great people.
Congratulations! (Actually I thought you already were Editor at Lost Art Press – byline being quite present and all!)
Chris and Megan,
Congrats to you both! Seems as though this was meant to be…
As a retired Marine I would offer this for your consideration… Everybody needs a good old fashioned wire brushing every once in awhile, lest we start to think too highly of ourselves! As for making him cry; it happens… Marines can be sensitive little creatures despite their best efforts to conceal that fact!
Sounds like a good development for all the best reasons. Congratulations to Meghan for landing the job (was it a tough interview?) and congratulations to the LAP for being in a position where it was necessary to make the appointment.
Smart move Chris. Congratulations Meghan.
You guys do excellent work together. Congratulations, Meghan. I look forward to seeing what you guys do from here on. I also am one who enjoys your fine woodworking articles.
As a retired Navy Chief…anyone that will make a Marine cry is the right choice (IMHO)…Hand Salute and Congratulations on your new position. Seriously though, I am truly trilled that things are going so well at LAP, that you can make such a move. You folks do good work.
Congratulations and best of luck!
Congrats on your “promotion.” Keep Chris in line.
Fantastic news! Congratulations!
Very good. Congratulations Megan!
An excellent choice. I have admired Megan’s woodworking and writing skills. I am always ready to read anything new she might have published. Congratulations Megan.
Congratulations, Megan!
Congratulations to you both.
Congratulations! This is terrific news.
Megan, congratulations! I am sure you will do your usual exceptional job. I too hope you will continue to write for Fine Woodworking. Best of luck.
Congratulations on the new position!
Congratulations Megan. Lost Art Press just keeps getting better.
60,000 books a year is terrific, double what I think you said you sold the year before. Congrats.
Congratulations Megan! When you and Chris worked together at Popular Woodworking it was an amazing magazine. I can only imagine how Lost Art Press will evolve over time with both of you working together.
Congratulations Megan!
Sounds like a great move for LAP all the way around.
That’s brilliant. There couldn’t possibly be a better person to be Employee #1 at Lost Art Press. Congratulations, Megan.
congratulations megan
now i know for sure that you can read and write
did he give you a 401-k?
Like dovetails that fit right off the saw, this seems like one of those developments that tells you everything is progressing exactly as it should. Congratulations Megan!
I thought of a joke while reading this: “Chris, it must feel odd to employ someone with a much higher level of competence and general wherewithal than yourself.” Then I realized, “You know, that’s the kind of joke you’d make with someone you know fairly well, not a stranger on the internet.” I feel like I know you because I read so much of your work, and you communicate so transparenly, but I don’t know you. Isn’t the internet weird?
I beg to differ, not wierd at all. First class people hire first class people. Second class people find the same hire threatening and tend to encourage the first class hire to look elsewhere instead of realising the hire makes them look good. As a female who comes off as smart icebreaking a traditionally male profession in the early ’70’s I unfortunately had ample opportunity to figure this out.
Congratulations! My favorite people! I’ve met both of you and even though I don’t stick in your minds y’all absolutely stick in mine!! I love how your post announcing her in the position is edited by her with that caviot!
The best woodworking-related company just keeps getting better. Congratulations Megan!! And also congrats to Chris – we all look forward to more of your books! And to John – keep kicking ass!
Good for you Megan! Congratulations. And good for Chris as well. Well done guys!
Well done, congratulations to both of you!
Congratulations Meghan! Hope this means we’ll see more from my two favorite writers on woodworking (Meghan and Chris) and maybe now we can expect the Shakespearen perspective on the craft.
It’s about time! :^) Well done, both of you.
Congrats to both of you and grand luck to you both! A great company just got better! (I’m guessing Megan, that most of us would be ok with you making Chris cry! Just saying!)
Congratulations Megan, so very well deserved. And I have experienced wonderful Megan in her amazing action at the first WWIA 2008 in Berea, KY, where she was like a red haired, solo air traffic controller answering participants’ many and varied questions about where certain classrooms were etc , she helped me find my class. Looking forward to your Dutch Tool Chest book too.
Thank you Megan.
Michael O’Brien
I knew it was only a matter of time before Megan became an employee. Congratulations!
Congrats Megan!
Congratulations, Miss Fitz!
Congrats, Megan, this is great news.
A very warm congratulations to you both! I couldn’t agree more with all of the lovely aforementioned sentiments and I wish that I could be there to personally present you with “a laurel and hearty handshake!” (credit to Mel Brooks)
I knew it was only a matter of time before Megan became the boss.
Seriously, if growth means hiring people you could not have made a better choice. CONGRATS Megan
Hooray! Congrats Megan!
Will the new editor light a fire under the author of The Dutch Toolchest Book? (Would love to hear that conversation out loud)
Congrats to all!
Congrats to you both!
And…. there is the first edit from Meghan. A true laugh out load moment!
Congrats to Megan for a well-earned move, and congrats to LAP for growing the business!
No one ever deserves to be dressed down to the point of tears by a boss or a supervisor. Not even a Marine veteran.
I can pretty much guarantee you that dude deserved it. I think she made clear in the post script that it was a special circumstance. These guys are not out looking for trouble. When you have to share workspace with a person who is being a d”;& then…the same goes for an employee dealing with a boss who is being a wanker.
Nice going, Chris – now she’ll be hanging around all the time…
Random but not random. Congratulations.
Go Megan! You guys make a great team. Happy for the growth at LAP but remember to always keep it fun!
Congratulations Megan! Good decision Chris. Long live LAP.
Megan me tiene intrigado.
Fantastic, congrats!
Congrats, Megan. Well deserved!
Wow. Congratulations Megan and good decision Chris. This company just keeps impressing me. Just for that I think I’ll go out and buy “The Stick Chair Book” book…(I know that is a doubled up word but I didn’t name the book).
Congratulations to both Chris and Megan! Have watched your journey with great interest since the days of PWW and Woodworking Magazine (especially). BTW Chris, I will reiterate, that when you time please do write a book about your journey into entrepreneurship, what worked and did not, what notions held and got discarded, advise to others who want to start “a business” (not necessarily in woodworking). Some nuggets have been in your blog over the year but I sincerely believe there is a lot more value to your story than just woodworking. Cheers and good luck to both of you.
Hearty congratulations to Megan!
And congratulations to Chris, John, and the rest of the LAP crew. LAP just became an even better operation; Megan is truly a first class choice for “runnin’ thangs”!
With more time to write, etc., here’s to 2022 being the first year that LAP ships 100,000 books and has 10 new titles per year!
Again, congratulations to all. Well deserved!
Congrats Magan!
I mean “Megan” Damn my quick but fat fingers…
Congrats Megan
Congratulations Megan, keep up the great work.
I’ve been having a “monday”… This news made me smile. I’m so happy for you Megan.
Awesome news! I’m happy for all of you and glad that LAP is doing so well.
More Churu treats for Olivia…
There will never be enough Churu treats for Olivia. Bottomless pit, that one.
Congratulations, Megan! Wonderful news.
Congratulations Megan!!
Congratulations Megan!
WooHoo – Congrats Megan – what a great team there
That’s great news all around! Nice choice Chris.
Congratulations Megan. You will make a great lion!
Congratulations and good luck Fitz!
A perfect Winter’s Tale! Congratulations!
What a fabulously well-written account of a fabulous addition to LAP. Thank you.
“How far that little candle throws her beams!”
Congrats Megan
Cool beans! Congrats to you both!
About time!
Congratulations Megan . I admire your work and you can only improve LAP
Congratulations Megan!! Chris couldn’t have made a better decision. Can’t think of anyone more qualified or talented to be editor. LAP can only get better!
Perfect! Can’t think of a better team than y’all. Make better stuff and they will come. Congrats and I’ll tip one for the lot of ya this evening. Some of the good stuff too. LOL