At long last, “The Anarchist’s Workbench” is back in stock and shipping from our warehouse. The price for the USA-made hardcover is still $27. The price for the pdf is still free. You can download the free pdf easily here.
The second printing features a couple changes we made after the first edition refused to pass through the birth canal without using its claws and teeth. We made slight changes to the paper to avoid some weird inking problems on the web press. I also changed the diestamp on the cover and spine.
The diestamp for the first printing was supposed to be the image above of my bench’s planing stop (which was made by Tom Latane). But, true to form with this book, I couldn’t get it to look right after many attempts. So I used dividers instead as the diestamp.
We also experimented with a blind deboss. And, of course, we couldn’t get the stamping machine to make it as deep as we wanted.
For this new printing, I decided on a whim to draw the diestamp one more time. I grabbed a Sharpie and nailed it on the first try. To avoid the problems of the blind deboss, we used a white ink for the deboss.
Sorry for all the manufacturing details, I should have just said: It’s back!
With this printing, everything went smoothly, and I am pleased with the result.
Other Book News
In the next couple weeks we will begin taking pre-publication orders for “The Workbench Book” by Scott Landis. This classic text has been out of print for a while. And we worked with Scott to make a beautiful hardcover edition with manufacturing details that this great book deserves. More details on this technically difficult (but fun) project in the days ahead.
— Christopher Schwarz
Whoa, that’s a classic text. I’m surprised you could get the rights to print it. It’s great that you did.
Any updates on the Richard Proennekee book? Thanks
Oh now you’ve gone and done it! The eternal conundrum for us OCD freaks…..the deboss centered on the book’s front as a whole but off-center on the foldable cover flap. AGGHHH! What to do, what to do……. Seriously though…looks great!
Looking forward very much indeed to a LAP edition of The Workbench Book!
I’d recently looked at the prices of used copies of previous editions, but found them a tad too pricey to press “buy” – which I am of course all the happier about now that I know I’ll be able to get it brand new, in LAP quality and, I wouldn’t be surprised, likely at a better price, too.
Not that I’ve ought against used books, I hasten to add!
I read The Anarchist’s Workbench in pdf format and enjoyed it so much that I then bought The Anarchist’s Tool Chest and The Anarchist’s Design Book. I’m now going back to buy the hardcover version of The Anarchist’s Workbench so that I can read it once again, but this time with all the pleasure that came from reading its hardcover companions. I’m also going to want to reference it again in the future when I’m building my own workbenches, and I’m certain I will want to lay the book out on a table rather than fiddling around with the iPad in the shop.
For someone that has given so much consideration of the true meaning of the word Anarchist and the tenants by which an Anarchist should live; it’s proven, in this case anyway, to have been a shrewd Capitalist move to offer your customers a free book on pdf.
Thanks Chris. No, seriously, thank you Christopher Schwarz.
I’m eagerly anticipating your next volume, Anarchist series or otherwise.
I purchased the first edition of the anarchist workbench. I’ve noticed that the imprint on the cover and the spine is as you say not very deep and is the same color as the spine. Would it be possible for me to send back this book and get one of the new ones where you can actually read the cover?
Contact help@lostartpress.com and they will take care of you. We’ll lose money on the transaction, but we want customers to be happy.
I was flipping through my old copy of the Scott Landis book. Hit a picture of a Roubo that looked a lot like the ones you have been building…