So if I am reading this correctly the writer was essentially saying “Dear Nancy, great job designing the bookcase. I added a couple inches on the dimensions so now would like to market the design as my own. What price should I put on it?”
Am I missing something? I am kinda slow…
No, that’s pretty much it.
Oh, and I found these car keys next to your coffee. Spare me a fiver for some gas?
Kudos Nancy, for your position! To take any other, will tie you to whatever this person, be it a ham fisted amateur, or a professional caninetmaker forever, in whatever he/she does, be it correct or a piece of crap. Further, he states he wants to market it? That reeks of a hobbyist, wanting to go professional!
In a past reply to you, I suggested that you give going into business seminars-change that to business sense seminars. Many can learn from your experiences and opinions, no matter what the size of type of enterprise they are in.
So if I am reading this correctly the writer was essentially saying “Dear Nancy, great job designing the bookcase. I added a couple inches on the dimensions so now would like to market the design as my own. What price should I put on it?”
Am I missing something? I am kinda slow…
No, that’s pretty much it.
Oh, and I found these car keys next to your coffee. Spare me a fiver for some gas?
Kudos Nancy, for your position! To take any other, will tie you to whatever this person, be it a ham fisted amateur, or a professional caninetmaker forever, in whatever he/she does, be it correct or a piece of crap. Further, he states he wants to market it? That reeks of a hobbyist, wanting to go professional!
In a past reply to you, I suggested that you give going into business seminars-change that to business sense seminars. Many can learn from your experiences and opinions, no matter what the size of type of enterprise they are in.