You can now purchase our limited edition “marriage mark” hats in the online store. The hats are $27, and that price includes shipping in the United States (sorry these hats are not available to international customers).
You can purchase your hat via this link. You might want to hurry as there are only 100 available.
These are hats were embroidered and stamped by Texas Heritage Woodworks, so the work is crisp and perfect. These hats are made in China by Adams. But they are the best hat we could find before getting into the $100 baseball cap territory.
— Christopher Schwarz
Just grabbed a hat!
It’s probably shameful that I do not know this already seeing as how I have been a faithful follower for some time. Is this one of the useful marks off of plate 5 of Roubo’s? Is it a LAP original? I am embarrassed to ask but I couldn’t find the answer on my own and I don’t yet own a copy of “Roubo on Furniture”.
Just grabbed one.
It’s probably shameful that I do not know this already seeing as how I have been a faithful follower for some time. Is this one of the useful marks off of plate 5 of Roubo’s? Is it a LAP original? I am embarrassed to ask but I couldn’t find the answer on my own and I don’t yet own a copy of “Roubo on Furniture”.
The first place I encountered that particular mark was in Roubo, but it is based on a well-known and documented cabinetmaker’s triangle. The version on the hat is one I drew for the cover of “The Anarchist’s Design Book.”
I’m a one hat kind of guy. My current hat is a St. Louis Cardinals cap I’ve had since high school. I put a lot of time and effort into finding that hat when I first bought it. It’s well-loved and shows it. So it’s no small thing that I resolved to order one of these back when y’all first announced them. Glad I jumped on it today. I’ll be proud to retire my old Cards cap to occasional use and don this one in its place. Thanks!
Aw man, truly wanted one. If there is a wait list for another run please let us know! Thanks Chris.
Maybe I am the wiener, but I’ll go to my grave confident in the knowledge that no one ever wore a baseball “hat.”
Well, those went fast…
So… What ever happened to the distribution agreement you spoke of getting set up for Canada, where you thought you had a way of moving stock to a Canadian distributor for fulfillment, and prices would be the same (in USD, of course) for Canadian addresses and the “free shipping”, when appropriate, would apply to Canadian addresses too? Did that not pan out, or have I misunderstood? Thanks…
We do have a fulfillment system in Canada and have been mailing books to Canadians with free shipping for 18 months now:
Short-run items that are fulfilled from our homes, such as the hats, do not go to Canada because we send stock there only four times a year.
Any plans to produce more of these caps, I missed out.
We might do another run in the future. They are a lot of work for Sarah at Texas Heritage, so there are human limits to what can be done.
I’d love to see another run. I’d been watching for the announcement all month, but then got so busy last week that I missed it 🙁 The caps seemed to disappear pretty quickly.
I got my hat today- GREAT Hat! It’s the first LAP hat to fit my head! I know its not made in a America – but the hat size is dead on. THANKS!