Perhaps because it is such an everyday material many people do not realise the importance of PAPER as a munition of war – not merely newspaper, but paper and cardboard of every kind. It is used in the manufacture of shell containers, fuse components, mines, radio sets, machine-gun belts, etc. and it is needed now. Woodworkers can make a definite contribution by using shavings to light their fires, and saving the paper. They can also exchange shavings for paper with their neighbors and add to the collection of paper to be used directly for the war effort.
We therefore appeal to all readers to go carefully through their rooms, drawers and cupboards and turn out every scrap of unwanted paper. Stack it in a dry place, and separate white paper from cardboard and brown paper. All local councils have organised schemes for collection. Please then do it now.
— The Woodworker, January 1942. The exhortation to turn in all unneeded paper is on page 4; the graphic is on page 5.
Check out “The Woodworker: The Charles H. Hayward Years,” the first two volumes of writings from the English magazine while Hayward was editor.
Sense a very current national event triggering this exact excerpt… No?
WWII. This appeal was printed on all periodicals and books.
They only recycled paper during WWII? how wasteful! (this being the internet, please engage your brain irony detector) Having said that I am not so sure I’d want to contribute to the creation of anti personnel mines…
Me neither, for sure….but then, I haven’t just managed to live through the Blitz like Hayward has. I’m grateful that my imagined reaction to that past event is pretty much just a thought exercise.
I’ve seen Fig. 1, or something substantially similar, someplace before; never attempted the joint, though.
Fig. 5 looks like most of my dovetail efforts. :/
Fig. 9 is the only joint I’ve been able to do successfully with a router. Dead simple, to boot.
Fig. 8 makes me feel stupid. I should have thunk of that on my own.