Although the wood which one chooses has by itself all the required qualities, it is still necessary to watch out for its preservation. Since wood for woodworking should not be used except very dry, it is of the final consequence to woodworkers to always be well provisioned with wood of all types, which they keep and dry in their yard before using them.
They should also take care that their yard not be placed too low, nor planted with grass, because the falling and gathering of leaves will prevent the run off of water, which could ruin the wood pile coverings and also the base of a woodpile.
The terrain occupied by the woodpiles should be higher than the rest of the yard, so that water does not collect there. It must be well set up and leveled, after which you put on top some pieces of wood side A, which we call chantier [or beam/timber spacers] which has a length the same as the width of the pile – ordinarily 4 feet, although sometimes they make them wider. You make them the greatest thickness possible, so that they make the pile taller with the most possible spaces between the boards.
You put the spacers distant from each other about 3 feet. Their topsides should be squared and straight, after which you pile the wood on top, after having taken the precaution of putting the worst planks on the lowest level to save the better woods from ground moisture.
— Translation from the forthcoming “Roubo on Furniture.” Colored plate by Suzanne Ellison.
Nice stacks of wood on that drawing.
How is it, is there going to be a deluxe version of this Roubo book as well?
Nope. No deluxe edition of the “Book of Plates.” It will be deluxe enough on its own.
OK, I was a book too early. I assumed the book in question here was Roubo on furniture making.
Yup. There will be a deluxe version of “Roubo on Furniture.”
Jennie here
In greenwoodworking often the best way to store wooed is underwater.
For years if necessary.
Works well for cats too.
If your expectation is to get a well preserved cat out of water after a few years, I don’t think it will work. Aside from the obvious PETA and ASPCA objections…
That was more a warning to the one climbing on to my shoulder to read than a practical solution. He’s pretty confident that I’m harmless, so it rang hollow with him too.