We hope to have some copies of the deluxe edition of “To Make as Perfectly as Possible” to sell to customers once we ship out all of the copies that have already been sold and paid for.
We are not certain how many copies we’ll have left to sell, perhaps something between 60 and 100. We are going to sell these in the Lost Art Press store. Here’s how it will go down:
1. Once all of our existing customers for the book have received their copies and any damaged or missing ones have been replaced, we will count up what’s left.
2. We will announce here on the blog how many we have to sell and a date when they will go on sale in our store. There will be different instructions for domestic and international customers.
3. We will put them on sale in our store on that date. No phone orders. No mail orders. Note that we will hold a few copies back to ensure we can replace any damaged or lost copies.
4. Once those copies are gone, the deluxe edition will be finished. Forever.
5. There is no waiting list for this book. It is strictly first-come, first-served. No exceptions.
My apologies for the strict rules here. I hate rules. But we want to be as fair as possible to all of our customers. So this is how we are going to proceed. (This means that asking us to change our operating procedure is wasted breath/keystrokes on your part.)
— Christopher Schwarz
Does this mean that the standard edition will be shipped out to customers that pre-ordered it as well?
Of course. that process is working simultaneously with the shipping of the deluxe edition.
But there is no limit on the availability of those books, so hence there are no gymnastics to discuss.
Much obliged, my friend.
When can we start signing up for the R2 deluxe version?
We are not going to have a lengthy pre-publication ordering process like we did (inadvertently) for the first volume.
For the second volume – both deluxe and standard – we will be opening the ordering on the day the book goes to press. That’s how we do all our other books, and we think that process works well.
The second volume is completely translated. Don is combing it over now and is supposed to deliver it to me in the spring. So the wait for the second volume will not be as long.
Will there be a way for those who ordered the deluxe edition of R1 to be given the opportunity to order a deluxe version of R2? Or will R2 be first come first served? Sorry if this question has already been answered…I didn’t see it addressed elsewhere.
Sorry. There will not be any preferential treatment for those who purchased the first volume. It will be first-come, first-served. We don’t want to set up different classes of customers, which adds considerable complexity.
I don’t think you will experience any difficulty purchasing a deluxe version of the second book. We will be printing considerably more than 600, which was the press run of the first book.
When are you going to start shipping to Canada so that your loyal readers up here can buy these “only on the web store” products you sell?
Shenanigans I say.
Actually, we sold the Deluxe edition to international customers worldwide. If you read through the blog entries about this for the last year, I think you’ll see that mentioned several times.
We make all our books available to international customers via our retailers or (in the case of the deluxe edition) directly.
In general, you do not want to pay for shipping from here to anywhere outside the country. A 5-pound package costs $38 to Canada; $67 to the U.K. It is much better for your wallet that we use a small retail network.
Fair enough. Thanks for the reply. I have attempted to purchase your books directly from you rather than Lee Valley in an effort to ensure that the authors and publishers maximize their take rather than paying a rake to the local Canadian retailer. I had no idea the shipping difference was so sharp.
Thanks for the quick reply. I deserve the hand-slap for not reading the previous blog posts on the Deluxe edition.
Stop replying to your blog comments on a Saturday and go play with your kids/wife/shop (I was going to say wood but fear I would be censored.)