The village joiners outside their shop in Eschelbronn, Germany – May 1911.
Which tool will you choose to identify with for your next group portrait? Will it be the try square or the jointer plane? Or will you be in the bathroom when the photographer arrives and wind up holding the glue pot because all the cool tools were taken?
Adam Kaiser and his Journeymen – Joiners from Eschelbronn, Germany – 1882
(from left to right starting with the back row)
Konrad Grab, Johann Rumig, ? Kirsch, Adam Kaltenbrunner, Christian Wolff, Adam Lenz, Jacob Steiß, Christoph Canz, Adam Kaiser junior, Adam Kaiser senior, Georg Wilhlm Kirsch, Wilhelm Echner, Johannes Filsinger.
– Jeff Burks
I bet it would be great to sit down and have some Schnitzel and beer with those groups.
Think of the things you would learn.
Especially from Mr. Kaiser Sr.
I’ll go for the bicycle. How do you make shavings with a bicycle?