For the rules that appear to limit and bind stand as guides along the highway, safeguarding us from the waste and misuse of the material of our lives — our gifts and talents, our health and strength, and relationships with others. And the true freedom, which is the freedom to use our powers to the fullest extent, comes from observing them.
— The Woodworker, March 1955
Love the Box! Can you elaborate(a picture) on how the lid is attached to the top? Why the angle cut on the rear and is it designed as a lid support / stop?
The quote reminded me of a similar quote from one of my favorite writers, simply because his prose is captivating. Although he was writing on a completely different topic, the premise of the assertation concering rules is quite similar.
"Inasmuch Christianity has imposed rule and order, the chief aim of that rule is to allow good things to run wild."
I just really like the running wild part.